Utah round 2!
a rescheduled surgery = sister time! :)

Who thought I would be back in Utah twice within a few short months? Not me!
While we were in Utah last time, Maddy was experiencing hip pain. It turns out she has FAI.
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition in which extra bone grows along one or both of the bones that form the hip joint — giving the bones an irregular shape. Because they do not fit together perfectly, the bones rub against each other during movement. Over time this friction can damage the joint, causing pain and limiting activity.
The only way to fix it is surgery, scheduled for June 10th. My mom would be sailing back to the US, and wouldn’t get there until the 17th. Liz would be in Northern Utah for a wedding and could help with the first shift until I could get there the evening of the 12th.
About a week before surgery Maddy was called and told her surgery would be rescheduled to the 17th. I decided to still go out and spend some time with her before and help get anything ready.
I flew out at 6:30pm and arrived to beautiful views! Grabbed my turo and took off towards Orem!

Of course my first stop was In and Out. YUM!

The boys were having a fun time back in Missouri. :)

I found a spa day pass for Alta online and it looked like a dream! Maddy and I drove up little cottonwood canyon and dodged one too many bikers…. I was sweating by the time we made it up there!
We had the best day at the spa. I will be returning!!

On our way home we stopped by a few stores and did some shopping!

The boys stayed busy at home going to the pool!

We took off on the summit county loop! First stop was grandpa don’s. They made us the best lunch and we had a great time visiting. I really wish I could spend more time with them.

This is going to sound crazy. You’ve been warned… :) A few years ago I watched an episode of Yellowstone and an embalmed body fell out of an old casket. I guess I had never put much thought into how long an embalmed body could stay looking like a person, rather than a box of bones. Of course I thought about my dad and it’s been an ongoing uncomfortable thought I have. I felt like I needed to try and conquer this so after we grabbed some snacks from the summit Merc, off to the cemetery we went!
It was actually a really good experience. We laughed, cried and enjoyed a beautiful view.

Our last stop was Grandma Peterson’s house. She made Benson a blanket and it was so good to see her again.

Boys stayed busy as usual… :)

My last day! It was a relaxing day packing, going to Harmons and hanging out at Maddy’s house for a few hours. I swung by Sun River Gardens, cleaned my rental car and stopped by swig before going to the airport.

Hulk gave me a FaceTime :)

Dropped off my rental car and waited for Brielle and Sabrina to get to the airport!

We had a great flight home and were able to all sit together in comfort plus! Logan and Benny picked us up and just like that, back home! :) Maddy got Ben the cutest bathrobe and he looks darling!

Ben + Logan’s adventures on my last day :) They were so busy every day and had the best time!