Twenty Seven
Logan turns 27!

I feel like Logan's birthday came out of no where this year! The weekend before I was looking at a calendar and realized it was the following weekend. Last year between ortho interviews and severe sleep deprivation time was standing still! Not this year. :)
Last time (2016) Logan's birthday was on a Sunday it was the day before my dad's accident. It's a little eerie to be living it all over again on the same days.
Saturday (the 8th) I needed to pick up his birthday cake from Russell's. Raspberry Chocolate - our favorite! We decided to grab breakfast while we were there. Delicious as always!

I went to grab the cake and the worker let me know there was a miscommunication and they accidentally made a 6 inch blackberry frosting cake. I told him that was no problem! I would still take it. :) He told me no and then pulled out a 9 inch cake and said they were giving me this instead. Soooo we have a lot of cake!

Driving home I saw a sign that said $1 car wash today, so we stopped by! There is a new car wash and were offering their most expensive $25 wash for only a $1! Score!

We spent the rest of the day decorating, Logan went and studied, and we went on many walks!

Sunday morning we woke up and opened presents! I asked some of our family to share their favorite photo and things about Logan. I had the photos printed and wrote their words inside the cards. Turned out cute!

Benson had a Halloween package delivered from Grandma + Grandpa Janis... he is loving the spiders!

We went on a walk after eating some Hardee's.

One of my gifts to Logan was some Apple AirTags. We were so excited to put them on our keys... but of course one pair was missing! It took us about 30 minutes but finally found it. Never to be lost again. :)
We spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing and napping! We had dinner reservations at Bishop's at 4... so we got ready and headed out there!
I received a funny notification about the AirTags once we got there. Left the old bitch behind;)

They had an event they were getting ready so it was slowing down our food. Benson was curious as always and we took turns exploring outside with him while we waited.

Back at the house we lit the candles, sang and sliced the cake!

We LOVE you Logan! You are the best in so many ways and I can't believe it's been 10 years since we first met. Happy Birthday!