Golden Twenty five
golden birthday • twenty five in terre haute, Indiana

Another year around the sun! Birthdays are one of my favorite things. It's so fun to be able to celebrate being alive!
The last two years I have been pregnant, so I was very happy to have my Benny cat with us this year! A few months ago I was searching through Airbnb daydreaming. I saw this cute little cabin with a guest house! I added it to my favorites list and hoped I would get there someday. I came across it again and thought I would see how far it was from St. Louis. Right under 3 hours! Wow! I look at their schedule and they're booked solid... except for my birthday week! I talked to Logan and we booked it.
I was sooo excited for a little getaway with a hot tub and a beautiful view in Terre Haute, Indiana!! My mom + DJ were road tripping and I kept asking for them to come! (Little did I know Logan had set the whole thing up for them to come).

We got up Monday, the 24th and hit the road by 11:30 am! Benny slept the entire time, score.

We arrived at 4 pm, and we were in love! It was everything I hoped for and more! The guest house was darling, the main house was so cozy... and even had heated floors! I had a Walmart delivery dropped off not long after we arrived and started looking for places to eat on door dash.

Logan seemed a little funny about ordering food... he was scrolling soo slow and I thought something might be up. But he eventually let me submit the order! We went over to the guest house to play and I left my phone at the big house. I went to grab it and before I got to the house I saw the motorhome at the end of the long driveway. I sprinted to the van and cried. They really did come! YAY! Best surprise ever.

Our food arrived and we all shared some Thai. It was really pretty good! Benny for the first time was a little cautious around them. We decided to get in the hot tub... I had clicked it up a little and it was too hot for Benny so he played (cried) with grandma + grandpa while we soaked! He joined us once it cooled down.

We decorated the house for my birthday the next day and had a wonderful time spending time together before heading to sleep.

Tuesday - My Birthday!
We woke up and hung out opening presents. Logan replaced my favorite Steve Madden boots who were nearly 10 years old and my mom got me some fun gifts from her time in Georgia! We put Benny down for a nap and Log + I went off to grab lunch together. We ate a fun little subway style pizza place and brought some home for our babysitters.

We spent the rest of the day chatting, soaking in the hot tub, and napping. :) We decided to try out a local Mexican restaurant for dinner. It was great! Off to TJ Maxx we went to do some shopping. My mom spoiled me and bought me an entirely new wardrobe, which I have been desperately needing!

What a perfect day, spent with the people I love.
Wednesday -
A very lazy, relaxing day! Another trip to the hot tub, snuggling up and chatting the day away.

Logan + DJ went on a trip back into Illinois to get some gummies, and the rest of us went to dinner at Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen. It was very disappointing, but we had a good laugh about it. Nothing was made from scratch ;) We swung through a grocery store to get a few things and Mr. Benson was being a crazy man. We snapped pictures and he had all of the ladies working there hitting on him.

Thursday came way too fast! We packed up and said our goodbyes. What a wonderful place and an amazing birthday. I am so spoiled! Best one yet!