Thanksgiving 2022
the best thanksgiving ever!

About a month ago I was FaceTiming my Mom when Damon's Turducken showed up! A duck stuffed inside a chicken, stuffed inside a turkey!

I told Logan about it and he said they HAVE to come for Thanksgiving!! It wasn't too hard to twist their arm into agreeing to come. ;) Benson is some added leverage ;)
Damon also purchased this awesome Otto grill for him and Logan to make steaks on. It heats to something wild like 1500°. He has spent a few days trying things out and it's only building Logan's excitement!

They drove to our house and arrived Tuesday evening. Benson was SO excited to see them.

We loaded up and went to one of our favorites - Sauce on the Side!

Logan + Damon took off to get a haircut + pick up our desserts. The rest of us stayed at home, played in the sink, went to the park, and sang songs!

The boys were brave and tried White Castle .... needless to say they will not be back.

They brought back some incredible desserts from Russell's and we had to sample!

Damon brought his new Otto grill to play with and Logan was so excited. They went out again and bought some steaks and lamb to try. Benson was sampling everything they made and they all 3 were in heaven!

Thursday -
Thanksgiving! Benson woke up at 4 am and was ready to party. I decided to start baking the rolls and the pizza dough prebake.

The boys bundled up and went on a walk.

When they came back, Logan got the turkey ready and put it in the oven.

We had a great relaxing day together and enjoyed our yummy meal. It was the perfect day.

Logan and I took off on a little date. We went to Starbucks (fail!), Chick fila, Marshall's and Target. It was great to just spend some time together. We haven't ever left Benson with anybody but my mom so dates only happen if she's in town. :) Benson had a great time!

More steaks, lamb + quilting.

We had the best few days with our fav people! It always goes way too fast. We are counting down until our trip to Texas with them in February!