Spring Break 2023
Spring Break in Oak Hill, FL

Our day started off bright and early at 4 am. We were hoping we would be able to go back to sleep before we had to wake up at 7 for our flight… but that didn’t happen. :)
We drove to Belleville, Illinois and took off! Benson slept the entire flight (and logan slept a little too).

We arrived in hot and humid Sanford, FL. Quickly grabbed our rental car (Turo is the best!) and headed to find some lunch and pick up some groceries.

Back on the road we drove the 50 minutes to our vacation rental. It was beautiful! The rest of the crew was at Epcot for the day.

We turned on the hot tub and played in the water! It was a blast! Benson loves being outside and exploring.

Everyone made it back and it was great to see each other! More hot tubbing and chatting before we went to bed for the night.

We had a slow start to the day and it was needed! We played with Benny, ate some Meat Meat and relaxed by the pool.

We drove down the road 20 minutes to New Smyrna beach. It was a beautiful night to walk in the water and let Benny get a nap.

We came home, had an amazing dinner and played some games!

My mom found a groupon for Jungle Adventures. We decided to buy it and try it out! We drove 30 minutes down the road to Christmas, FL for the time of our lives!

Benson was LOVING the gator feeding. These facial expressions he makes are next level. He is constantly turning around to see Grammy's reaction! Damon caught the best photos of this. Here is the video for even more fun!

Back at the house we ate some snacks, played in the water, played more games and laughed way too hard!

It was Katie's 45th birthday! The Utah crew was headed home that afternoon. We went out shopping and had a blast!

Benny took an amazing nap and we all had a great recharge! He did not want to wake up!

Once he was awake we played outside, watched some tv, walked through Dollar General and got some pizza! We found a park right on the water to eat at. Benny loves picking off the olives to eat.

One last dunk in the hot tub!

Our flight left bright and early at 8 am. TSA was on mega training mode and took away our meat thermometer, and a disk shooter toy Gretchen brought. UGH!
2 hours and a boooobieee later we were back home! What a great few days!!

Back at home we got a Starbucks pop, played at the park and snuggled with Finno!