seven years
another year of marriage in the books!

I think this may go down as our most expensive year married... But also our fastest year! :) This year was full of soul-searching, deconstructing, and rebuilding.
Here is a recap of our year together.
August - We officially submitted everything for ortho residency applications. This was a HUGE expense and so much work. We have worked so hard the past 4 years to have this opportunity.

We were deconstructing Mormonism and navigating how to live our new life. There is too much to say about this, so I'll leave it at that.
September - Logan took and passed NBDE part 2. We started getting interview invites! Alabama, Pittsburgh, St. Louis. We have a 6 month old?!

October - We interviewed at all three schools. Logan celebrates his first birthday with a drink or two. :) We withdrew our membership from the LDS church.

November - We anxiously submitted our rank list and were thrilled to find out we matched at SLU.

I signed up for my very first sex therapy group. Another subject I have a lot to say about... :)
December - Logan took part one of ADEX and passed!!

January - I started sex therapy, and it was so incredibly helpful. I turned 25 and celebrated with the people I love most in an incredible cabin !!

February - Logan signed up for sex therapy and found it incredibly helpful. We had conversations that were so deep and healing. I worry we would never have had these conversations if we had stayed in the church.

March - Our baby turned ONE. This has truly been our greatest adventure together. We attended my first work expo.

April - Logan took the second half of ADEX and passed! Both days have been the longest waiting to hear how it went.

May - We graduated dental school... what! It really happened. :) Dr. Carter, DMD.

June - Our baby isn't a baby and has officially mastered walking. We spent four full weeks together! Trip to Florida, and lots of fun time at home. We started residency... so fun to start this dream we have had for so long.

July - Getting into a new groove of life and school. Lunch visits and spending a lot more $$$$. I would have never guessed it would be so expensive to start residency!

August - Just like that, we are full circle. We celebrated at Russell's on Macklind over the weekend before. A very fancy and delicious dinner. :) We decided to go to the OG Russell's on the actual anniversary... amazing as always!

I love you Log. Excited to see what another year will bring. 🤍