September 2024
first house + first broken bone

It is September 21st and I am barely getting around to this. We’ve spent the entire month trying to close on our house and yesterday it finally happened. If I am being honest, that was an awful experience… and I’m so glad it’s over! I don’t think I slept for a month. Ah!
Let’s rewind….
September 1st! SLU’s alumni association will cut you a reimbursement check for boards if you pass. Logan passed of course and bought some fun new yard tools! And Ben needed an ice cream run. :)

Labor Day we met the Maughan’s at a new park about an hour away. It was a really fun time!

Ben wanted to sleep in his tent, we played around in it and even put it on our bed until he decided he didn’t want to really sleep in it.

Shane came into town to speak at Logan’s OERF conference. They had a great weekend together and even sat in the green seats at a Card’s game!

Ben and I picked up a dolly for our upcoming move and I sewed some Halloween baskets!

Even though Logan’s conference was in STL, we didn’t see a lot of him for a few days. Ben was thrilled to have him back!

We’ve started planning our upcoming move. Logistically, it’s a little tricky! Logan is officially done Dec 14, but we will have house long before that. We’ve looked at all sorts of options for moving and no matter how we dice it, it’s quite expensive. I found a great moving company, Murphy Family Moving. We scheduled them to come November 21st. In the meantime, we decided to get two UHaul Boxes and fill with things that could go now and get us by at the new house if we stay there. They were dropped off and we had 4 days to fill them up!

We met Barb and Dave at a truck night in Sunset Hills. It was so fun and Ben loved it!

Can you believe these were the clothes that Ben fit in as a newborn?!

One last round of family pictures with Dana at her studio in Washington. I’m really sad to be leaving this behind.

Last dash to fill up the other box… and off they went to Alabama!

The boys have been playing outside with the hose and having a blast! All was going well until…

Ben fell and something about his wrist/arm seemed off. We waited about 2 hours one Sunday morning to make a decision what to do and ultimately went to urgent care. Sure enough! Broken. :( Buckle fractures on both the radius and Ulna. They threw a splint on and gave us a referral to ortho.

His auntie manny and Lizzie spoiled him with dinner and treats!

Brielle was so sweet and got Ben a little puppy with a broken arm!

We met Logan at the hospital to get the final cast on. 3 weeks we will be back to get it off.

The following day Ben and I were playing downstairs. He asked if he could use a pickleball paddle to knock off a helicopter from its landing pad. I said sure and the next thing I knew it came into contact with my nose. Ouch!

On the bright side, Ben is doing great with his cast!

We finally got the go ahead to close on our house. I can’t even explain this process. Even my mom said it was strange. We have to print all of the closing documents so I went and got a new printer that could handle it.

Officially closing day!!! We spent the morning at Bass Pro with Brielle and Sabrina. Grabbed some Chick Fil A to meet Logan and Dave for lunch and get things signed! Dropped everything off to FedEx and breathed a sign of relief.

Nose update… ouch!

Costco run before Ben and I take off to Alabama!

My baby is growing up too fast!

Off to Alabama we go for the rest of the month!