September 2023
Logan becomes tweed certified … Syd + Ben spend a lot of alone time together!

As soon as September hits I feel like I need to get started on our Christmas card. Haha! And I start dreading November coming and renewing our health insurance! Ah!
September 1st started bright and early with Benny wanting to get out of bed and snuggle on the couch. Back to sleep he went!

I wanted to make some halloween banners... here are my cute bats!

Saturday rolled around and we made some tooth cookies... our favorite!

We went and fed the ducks + went to Bass Pro to look at boats!

I cut out my ghosts and hung one banner!

Benson thought we all needed tape allll over!

Sunday afternoon Logan booked me a hotel to check into for the night. Sometimes motherhood and life is so tricky to navigate and I needed a recharge.

I took my first gummy. 5mg - sadly I didn't have any wild experience. I was up from 2-4... so I watched some YouTube and sewed!
The boys came over in the morning, we ordered some breakfast and took a dip in the pool!

We came home, took a big nap + made some peach pies!

The rest of the week I wanted to go as slow as possible because Logan was leaving on Saturday for 10 days!! We made delicious peach pies and pizza. Many trips to Costco to look at the Ho Ho decorations, gymnastics, playing in the basement, Bass Pro, Hobby Lobby, and of course many naps together. :)

Logan's flight was delayed a few hours but he finally got off! It was officially Mom + Ben time for the next 10 days.
We played toys + made a trip to Benny's favorite place... Targee!

We met Brielle + Sabrina at Suson Park, played at home and napped!

Facetiming Meat Meat Poppy + Grammy. Showing his muscles!

I usually use Logan's airpods but since he took them to AZ, I decided it was time to get my own! I want to listen to Dave Grohl's book + Jill Duggar's book this week so we went off to Costco! Benson loves all of the Christmas decorations.

More naps at home. :)

After gymnastics we went to Dollar Tree to get more trucks and went on a walk.

We are really missing Logan! The two hour time difference makes it tricky to have a time to connect. We are about half way done!
Playing with friends, Fireman outfit and of course another nap. :)

I needed a side project to work on so I started repainting our baseboards... I'm crazy I know.

Creation station baby! It's been a while since we have been here.

Sonic slushy, kisses and Targee.

2:03 AM

2:29 AM

Eating... cleaning... eating....

We met Sabrina, Carter + Brielle at Suson's Park for the evening. There were so many dead fish. Yuck!

It was Logan's last night in Tuscon. He was fried and ready to be home. He originally had a long day traveling home and wouldn't land in St. Louis until 10 PM. Thankfully we were able to change his flight and get him home 5 hours earlier! We enjoyed our last few hours together!

We drove to the airport and waited for him! Benson has been saying his dad is in Arizona with friends all week long. He was so excited to go and pick him up!

We enjoyed a beautiful evening at the park together. :)

Of course we needed more friends from Targee. Benson spent the rest of the day hauling around Logan’s suitcase saying he was going to Arizona.

Excited to play with Dad when he got home!

Early morning doggo snuggles + trips to the park!

The most perfect little profile.

Ah you are so cute Benny!

We locked in Benson’s Halloween costume!! Astronaut!

Getting some good life wisdom :)

We met Sabrina + Brielle at the zoo!

Brielle came over later that day to hang out while Sabrina got her braces adjusted.

We love Santa Claus is coming to town by the Eagles NFL team!

Yeah… you can imagine this didn’t end well.

A trip to the park with the shopping cart!

Shopping trip to Alpine Ski Shop! With a few funny pics….

Bass Pro baby!

Most traumatic hair cut pics…

I finally finished this quilt!

First pumpkin bread of the year! Benson LOVES!

Stickers and crafts!

We met Sabrina + Brielle at Powder Valley and then went to Target!

The boys are at OERF this weekend so we made plans to have a girls brunch. I spent hours making batches of cinnamon rolls!

Ah! Wow. That was a busy September…. Onto October!