September 2020
growing baby + more visits from lizzie!

September 1: The great white hunter goes dove hunting. He had an overnight trip with Dr. Fuszner, Zach, Parker and a few others. He had to go grab his ear plugs because an old man was snoring so bad!!

September 2: Peach pies! We bought some peaches a week ago to get ready to make some peach pies! It is a recipe from the donut lady, and WOW they are just like Croshaws!!

September 4: Rheumotology appointment - got some yummy croissants on my way home! Lizzie is coming to visit us today!! We are so so so excited!! Especially Funky Finn :)

September 5: Finn can't get enough Lizzie cuddles. We go and check out the City Museum! Pretty rad. We stood in line FOREVER and climbed a million stairs (in a damn mask) to go down this 7 story slide and it was SO lame.

We stop by Fountain on Locust for some ice cream. The Butter Pecan was the WINNER! Tasted just a like blondie!

Next stop, the pool! I love the lazy river. It's sooo relaxing!!! It was kind of cold!!

We meet up with Chase + Chaynee at Top Golf. It was SO much fun! I can't believe we haven't been yet. We will most definitely

September 6: Lunch at the arch! We tried a new Thai place, and it was delicious. Yellow Curry was the winner!! Log was a little hangry + had to pee... he walked all over trying to find a bathroom and tried riding a scooter back... well it was in a no fly zone! So he wasn't able to park it where we were at!!!!! Liz and I had to literally walk it clear back.

Back to the pool. :) I wish this was in my backyard!!!

Movie night! Movie theaters have finally opened back up. We went and saw 42 for $5 a piece! It was amazing, they even delivered our food and drinks right to us. Log having to give me a shot in the middle of the movie and it resulted in a very funny picture!

We called Grandpa Don to wish him a happy birthday! He is so funny. :)

September 7: We tried Chicken Salad Chick, finally! We drove through the Lone Elk Ranch Park... it was very disappointing! I've found out you need to go close to closing. We will have to try it again. :) Swung by TJ Maxx and Log + Lizzie had some cute finds!! We finished up the day with some Sauce on the Side delivered and finny kisses! We are so sad our time with Lizzie is already over!! Until next time!

September 9: First appointment back at Dr. Phillips. Everything looked awesome! What a relief, this was the first appointment Log was allowed to attend. :)

Celebrating Chaynee's 21st birthday!

September 11: Setting up baby's room. :) Some fun gifts from Grandma + Grandpa Janis!

September 16: Today would have been our baby's official "Due Date". Of course they would have came long before this date but it was a very final date in my mind that I was really never getting this baby. It wiped me out a lot more than I thought it would. I attended a doctors appointment in the morning and they startled me by checking for a heartbeat. It was something that triggered me so terribly. I finished the appointment, and went to Chick-fil-A . I just sat there and cried, grieving an old life, an old dream, but so thankful for the current life and dream I am creating right now. It was very overwhelming, but I think a moment I needed to have.
September 18: I love these early morning doggo cuddles! I literally live off of Tums lately... soooooo much heartburn!

September 19: Log made some pumpkin chocolate chips cookies. YUM!

September 21: I get to go and see Doctor Carter! What a fun morning getting treated by such a cute doctor! I'll be back next week for my teeth cleaning!

September 24: Look at these cute baby clothes! We had a doc appointment today to go over genetics and getting tested. We had an awesome ultrasound. I feel super fortunate to get the care that I do!

September 27: I conquered a huge fear of mine and taught my first relief society class. I'm hoping it will get easier and more natural from here. We went and celebrated with Old Spaghetti Factory.. and it was pretty disappointing if we are going to be honest! We started adding some cute Halloween decorations to our house! We just need to go get some pumpkins!