Quarantine May + June 2020
'rona still going strong

May 10 - Logan's school is enforcing a 2 week quarantine prior to their start back date of May 26. This quarantine requires he be in Kirksville, not St. Louis. Welll this isn't ideal because we no longer live in Kirksville, we aren't sure what to expect so he loads on a plane to start his Bachelor dayz with Noah.

May 15 - Logan returns home to St. Louis for the weekend. As we are both working on things he receives an email saying he must be in the dental school parking lot within the next 30 minutes to prove his location. We both freak out. This is insane!! After a few phone calls and attempts to calm down he explains he is in St. Louis for the weekend, he receives a small slap on the wrist for not notifying them that he is going to St. Louis and must show proof he is in St. Louis by visiting the arch and proving via FaceTime. (I cannot make this shit up, this is what $100,000 a year will get you). Soo we drive to the Arch and prove his location.

May 17 - I begin to have pain in my lower abdomen that we worry may be an ectopic pregnancy. Logan receives clearance to stay home with me the rest of the "quarantine".
May 20 - We go to Costco for some more rubber mulch, it's on sale for $7.00 a bag, score!!! We also decide to buy a new 55" TV for our living room. We mounted our other TV in our room. These little adulting moments are fun. :)

May 21 - Logan gets to work on the backyard! He has been dreaming up this curbing layout and finally has the time and materials to get it done. It turned out awesome!!! I love how creative and hard working he is.

May 24 - We install a custom closet from Ikea! It's a DIY with 2 Billie bookshelves and two rods.. but it turns out awesome!!

May 25 - Pregnancy hunger is REAL . We spend the day together, and get some Pei Wei.. we love having the option to get some good food finally!!

May 26 - Logan heads back to Kirksville for school. I'm so sad he is leaving and hope these 5 weeks FLY by! Thank goodness for Cape Air and $19.00 plane tickets. :) Check out his new gear he must wear to work on the dummies. (and this is only half of it!)

May 27 - I finally go get a hair cut. It's been long overdue and I am ready! I trim off about 3 inches and thin it out, I was really happy with the outcome. Finn & mom are having a lot of quality time together!

May 28 - TJ Maxx finally opens back up! I get a cute little rug.
May 29 - Logan is back home for the weekend! Yahoo!
May 31- First dining experience in MONTHS. Sauce on the Side, man we have missed this so much and hope things continue to open back up. I get this m&m ice cream sandwich from Hot Box cookies, oh baby I have found something deadly!

June 1 - 8 - Lots of heartbreak having our second miscarriage.
June 5 - We found a DIY Boba Tea kit and so of course I purchased it for Logan, we made our first batch and he was impressed! Score!! Our neighbors got a load of mulch delivered and ended up with way too much, they asked Logan if he would take the rest of it off of their hands and boy did he deliver!! What a fun (free) transformation!

June 8 - Early morning zoom lecture, I woke up to find Logan barely hanging on in the office chair listening to the computer. I went and got him the foam mattress pad, a pillow and a blanket and boom he was out! And again, Logan headed back to Kirksville today. I will see him Saturday. :)

June 12 - Noah brings Logan home! YAY! I went to Home Goods today and found the cutest bedspread, so I purchased it. Logan opens his Father's Day present - Apple Watch. We find the cutest bedside tables at Home Goods.

June 15 - I have become the master at blood draws. I told my mom once I never wanted to have babies because I refused to get my blood drawn every time. Well - little did I know :) Today we are checking inherited clotting factors. I swing by Lowes on my way home and grab some white paint to repaint our closet doors.

June 16 - Labs came back quick! All negative. BLAH, It is disappointing. I was really hoping there would be a clear problem and clear solution. I schedule an appointment with an REI. After looking at a calendar we quickly realize we need to get Noah moved so we can all get a good full week of summer. :) We make a plan that involves me driving to Kirksville the following day with totes and we will knock it out this week! Our awesome neighbors JT & Jen volunteer to watch Funky. It's amazing having people you can rely on!

June 17 - I leave around 9 am to go to Kirksville, not going to lie I am dreading going back. I was really adamant about not ever going back until Graduation... but here I am. The drive goes smoothly, I arrive and we get to work! By the end of the day, we really have almost everything packed and in the garage. Team work! While we are gone Dave & Mark show up to put in our railing on our front porch! We watch the progress via our Ring Doorbell. Logan and I are staying at the Hampton Inn, fun to have a little getaway. We meet up with Noah & Kyna for dinner at Coltons (the only sit down place in Kirksville). Successful first day!

June 18 - Noah, Logan, Parker & Zach quickly load up the UHaul for our departure on Friday! We are approaching our LAST WEEK! :)
June 19 - Back to St. Louis! Man, I am so thankful for where I live. Our railing looks SO good! It is the perfect finishing touch.

June 20 - We finally get to try Half & Half. It is a brunch restaurant over in Clayton and BOY did it deliver! Avocado toast, breakfast tacos & blackberry cheesecake french toast. We will 10000% be back!!

June 21- Father's Day. I am unbelievably thankful for the men in my life. I don't have the right words to try and explain my feelings but this is a good summary. :)

June 22 - Logan heads back to Kirksville via Cape Air for the last time. We did it!! :) He has two exit exams this week and then he is home free! 1/2 way done!
June 24 - I go and check out the Crestwood city pool. It did not disappoint!!!! I can't wait for Log to enjoy it this weekend. I love where we live!!! (Rocking the long sleeve swimsuit because Lupus + Sun = Bad News)

June 25 - Exams are PASSED! D2 year is finished with ranked #1 and 4.0. Putting finishing touches on their research project! Logan heads home tomorrow morning after CPR Training.

June 26 - Freedom! Logan & Noah arrive in St. Louis, we help Noah unload his car and celebrate with some Clementines. Yum!!

June 27 - Today we are trying Pappy's BBQ and Southern's chicken for lunch. Logan was beyond impressed with the ribs, claims they are the best ones he has EVER had. The chicken strips were a little to wild for me. I'll stick with Raising Canes. :) On the way home we decide to check another off our list as we swing by Ted Drews. Wow! Did not disappoint!!

June 28 - We decide to sleep in our guest room on the memory foam beds we have. It's a fun little camp out, with our giant 55" tv. We have been binge watching "Million Dollar Listing"

June 29 - We have a Zoom meeting with our REI, super successful!
June 30 - We meet with our MFM and draw more blood. We also decide to make chili and scones, Delicious!!

Just like that! Another month is over. We get Logan for a week until he starts his D3 year on July 6. Can't believe we are half way done!!!