Quarantine March + April 2020
the rona is here... what to expect!

2020 has just been WERID.
Logan went to school on March 12, 2020 and didn't go back for nearly 3 months. Here's a recap of how we have survived 'Rona 2020.
Early March - Saw things on the internet about 'rona... didn't think much of it. Until we tried to get anything from the grocery store and it was like a war zone! Toilet paper.... gone. I miscarried, and our focus shifted towards that. Our hospital visit was totally normal, it didn't feel like the world was ending yet.

March 17- We are leaving for Utah today! We take Cape Air to St. Louis and the airport in St. Louis is bare!!! While we are sitting in the airport we see Brian Head post that they are shutting down the resort for the season. NO! That was our entire plan of going to Utah, was for our Janis/Jones reunion ski trip. My mom quickly books snowmobiles. We hop on the flight - a few people have masks on... but over all nothing is too crazy. Once we land in St. George we head over to In-n-Out. We are instructed we can order inside but not eat in the restaurant, so we take our food outside to their tables. Half way through eating they come outside to tell us we can't do that either and have to eat in our cars. WHAT!

March 18 - Today is the last day you can dine in at a restaurant so we hit up Benjas! Looking back, it was a very good last meal. :)

March 20 - Jones/Janis reunion starts in Brian Head! There is no one on the entire mountain, it's actually really nice! We had a great time, played in LOTS of snow and relaxed. :)

March 22 - 26 - Originally Logan was going to fly home today... but since 'Rona he doesn't have to go back to school yet, and there's no fee to change flights we decided he would stay longer and we'd fly home together on Thursday. YAY! Except my Celine Dion concert got canceled... and my trip to the spa. :( We spent the rest of our time in St. George getting LOTS of good food and relaxing! It was a great little vacation.

March 27 - Our flight home was nearly empty. It was such a creepy feeling!! During our layover in St. Louis is when we went and saw our house!! Eeek!

March 28 - We decide to jump on this house. I begin packing ASAP because we get the house April 15. It's all a little overwhelming but I can't wait! Literally packed the entire kitchen and started a storage unit inside our house. Logan tries to dye my hair darker... it faded rather quickly.

April 10 - We go on a walk with Finn on a trail Logan's friend Noah mountain bikes. Logan sees these flat rocks that will go GREAT in our backyard, he steals one and makes a plan to go back the next day to get more rocks.

April 11 - Ask and you shall receive. The crazy man literally took a backpack and went crazy stealing rocks.

April 15 - Final touches on packing, my mom and DJ are coming next week to help move us! Our plan is to go to our house tomorrow morning and spend the weekend, get our washer and dryer delivered, internet set up, etc. Around 6:30 pm I have a small emotional come apart - Logan loads the car and we take off around 7:30 pm to our new house! We arrive around 11 pm and the code they gave us for the lockbox doesn't work! Thankfully the realtor who showed us the house answers his phone, and finds the code on his email. We break one key in the process, and we have no running water. But all is well. :)

April 16 - 21 - We had a BLAST at our new house. We literally had no furniture except for our foam mattress, camping chairs and a few dishes. It was the best way to spend our time together, we didn't want to go back to Kirksville! Reluctantly we went back so we could pack our stuff up and move!

April 22 - 23 - Packing extravaganza! My mom and DJ will be here on the 23rd so we are in high gear making sure everything is moved to the garage and ready to go. The last big thing we have is to take down the long arm. I have ZERO sadness about leaving Kirksville, I endured a lot of hard there and things I hope to never endure again. We get the UHaul, pack it up with some help of Jakob & Weston and we bounce! :)

April 23 - 28 - We unpack, make many trips to the store getting last minute things. Enjoy our time together, even get the long arm back up and running! Woot woot. We discover Sauce on the Side, Thanks DJ! It is hands down the best ever. We so appreciate help from my parents, we could not do it without them! They return on their trek back to Utah.

April 30 - My long awaited table arrives from Wayfair, I was SO excited. Well.... it was not stable, like at all. Sooo we took it apart and are going to send it back. We are both so sad because it is so cute and fits in the space perfect!

We are loving making our little house a home, it feels so great to be somewhere new that promotes positivity and growth. We can't wait to host our next visitor, Lizzie!