Our first home
our first trip to our house!!

Ben and I made plans to fly down on Monday the 23rd and spend the week setting up our new house with my mom.
We woke up to a rainy day in St. Louis and a quick flight later we arrived in sunny Pensacola!

Our first stop was Bucees!

We met Savannah at our house to get the keys and walked in!! Finally ours!

We walked in and it was a little toasty! We checked that the water was on, good to go. I walked over to click the AC down and we had no electricity! Somehow they didn’t switch it over even though I called to do it. Thankfully it was a quick fix! As soon as the power came on, my mom went to wash her hands and literally while we there they turned off the water!
We drove over to the water company, and it is so old school! We had to track down $125 cash and they said it would be back on tomorrow….

Back at the house we had to try out the pool!

This desk was mine as a child. My mom saved it and now it’s Ben’s!

Dinner trip to Foosackly’s where Ben fell asleep… and stayed asleep the rest of the night. I carried him around Target for 1.5 hours and my back was sure hurting by the end!

We woke up rather early because we have no blackout curtains. :) I worked on installing a new deadbolt with a keypad and thankfully around 9:30 our water was turned back on!
Our Wi-Fi was installed, we unpacked and got a TV for dancing with the stars! Ben soaked in the tub and I started unloading our closet!!!!!!!

Another early morning!

We have an attic with the built in stairs/ladder. I asked my mom to come watch benson and make sure I was good to climb up when she quickly climbed up first! I was stunned for a minute. She laughed, she’s always wanted one of these and had to be the first to try it out! We were greeted with a hanging Christmas tree?! Strange!

Running some more errands!

We made an outing looking for barstools. We went to a very sketchy place and bought some, only to get home and they were too tall. Of course! We had bought one from TJ Maxx earlier in the day and it was such a good fit. I went back and bought the other two!

Pool time!

Hurricane Helene hit the Tampa area and as it traveled north made even more destruction. Logan was supposed to fly through Atlanta on his way to Mobile, but we got him a new flight through Texas!
I wanted to make little get to know us cards for our neighbors. Our new neighborhood is just a strip of houses in the middle of some fields. It’s a dream!

It is such a dream here!

Benny has really been missing steaks from his dad! We took him to Texas road house and this steak is immediately what he pointed to…

It was finally time to go pick up Logan! He got to our house and immediately jumped in the pool at 10:30 pm. :)

We spent the entire day in and out of the pool. It was an actual dream!

A few errands and some shopping! This damn shirt… lol

Our last full day! :( More pool time, packing and benson delivering love notes!

We stopped at bucees one last time and went to the airport! What an amazing week. We need to get back asap!!

That evening we received pics from our new yard care guy… he did SO good!