October 2024
The beginning of the end

We are back in St. Louis until Thanksgiving and we are all missing our Alabama house!

We made a trip to Grant’s Farm Halloween night!

Our last SLU CADE picnic!

After we went to Ikea to look at some things for our house. We came across the craziest end of summer sale!!! And bought so many good things for our new house!

Logan needed to get his computer so we made a trip to the school!

3 orthodontists discussing yard care at Hardik and Mika’s new house!

Meat meat for Papa!

Ben got some hoola hoops!

Got the cast cut off! Yay! Such a brave boy.

Celebrated with some starbs and chick Fila!

Ben loves ice cream and it’s sure hard to turn down an ice cream run!

Sabrina and I borrowed Logan’s badge and secretly went to the school to decorate his op for his birthday. It was a success!

He was so surprised!!! (and maybe a little embarrassed) Yay!

A fun birthday lunch date 😄

I love Ben's love for dress up and imagination. He changes his costume multiple times a day and it truly is one of my favorite parts of life right now.

Poor Sabrina is so ready to have her baby! We met them at a pumpkin patch today and had a great time!

More of "camo guy" :)

We made a trip to candy cane lane for Halloween. It was really cute!

My best little buddy + some potty training!

Benson got his first real hair cut. He did a great job!

A very glamorous picture of myself… but I started Benlysta injections for the first time! I will take this shot once a week… probably for the rest of my life. Mixed feelings about that, but hoping it helps!

Cutie pie Ben!

Trying on our Halloween costumes!

Ice cream date!

We met Brielle and everyone else at the Kirkwood Halloween set up. It was super fun!

Jaylee cut her finger pretty bad and so I took Ellie for a few hours while she got some stitches.

I am hosting one last Halloween party here. I’m sad about it, but I know how to prep better. Starting early!

He never falls asleep on me any more. :)

So full of life and energy!

My last long arm quilt in St. Louis!

Halloween blow up!

Added some spiders to the webs!

Look at these magical colors! One of our last trips to Damn Fine Hand Pies!

I asked Benson to draw a picture of me. This is what I got.

Busy day running errands with Hulk!

Ben’s camo Halloween paint came… had to give it a trial run. He applied it all himself!

Enjoying some time with our friends. :) Ben was on high alert with baby Mason, making sure everyone had hand sanitizer applied before touching him. Hilarious!

I’m going to put our Halloween festivities in it’s own post… I’ll link that here to finish up October!