October 2023
a very busy october + a family road trip

We have been wanting to get back to Forest Park and ride the pedal boats with Ben before it gets too cold. Ben was insistent on being in charge of driving so we spent a lot of time spinning in circles. I always forget how much work they take to get going… especially in any sort of wind!

We ate at the boathouse after and it was delish! Beautiful day!

A thought I came across…

We met Sabrina + Brielle at the Kirkwood farmers market for their Halloween set up and had a great time!

Monkey Ben at gymnastics!

Sabrina and I met up to do some shopping, the boys hung out at home. :)

Benson really enjoying the cookies I brought home!

Moments like these I love to just appreciate how lucky I am to be able to do this. 🤍

Sneak peak at Logan’s Halloween costume.

We are taking a road trip to Fairhope, Alabama next week. We hit Dollar Tree to get a bunch of activities to do in the car ride… and we pretty much did them all this afternoon! Haha!

Benny has been begging to put up the tent. We put it up in our backyard and enjoyed playing in it for a few days. We couldn’t talk him into sleeping in it ;)

Playing with some more of our new road trip toys!

We needed one more trip to Dollar Tree to restock games and sticker books… and of course had to get this cute Skellie for our porch!

Crazy car selfies!

Working hard with Dad raking up leaves and walnut balls!

Logan’s 28th birthday!!
Logan ended up playing hookey for the first few hours of school. He lucked out that his birthday was on a Monday so he only had some class things and not clinic.
Benny + I went for a morning walk and then we all went to breakfast at Russell’s!

Benny napped while we waited for Logan to get back.

Once he got home we went to the mall to return a jumpsuit I bought, and then went to dinner at Corner 17. We ate it in the car haha.

Our next stop was Alpine Ski Shop for Logan to check out a jacket and get some sunglasses. He ended up buying some sunglasses he instantly regretted … haha!

We came home and Benson and I went on a walk while Logan relaxed. We were possibly almost kidnapped so I made the mile track back to the house rather quickly.

We came home and ate some cake! I totally dropped the ball on many pictures… but nevertheless… we love you Logan!
The cutest birthday video:

The next day Benson and I met Sabrina and Brielle at Suson Farm. It was a great time!

Gymnastics!! We are leaving tonight for our trip to Alabama… I always can’t believe how much stuff there is to get done for a trip.

Eventually I will put out a big post about our trip to Fairhope… until then there are some incredible pictures. :)

We stayed in Memphis on our way home at the Bass Pro hotel inside a pyramid. It was a one time see thing for sure! They closed everything at 7pm so we didn‘t get to explore as much as we would’ve wanted to. Benson woke up at 2:30 am and we decided to just finish out the drive. Logan was a champ and drove the entire time. We arrived home at 7 am! What a fun trip!

By 9:44 am we were already down playing at the park!

Benson’s new winter coat from Costco! So cute!

Painting, napping + gymnastics!

Finally we made it to creation station! Their winter hours are the worst!

Of course it wore Ben right out :)

Funny pictures in a box :)

The boys grooming Finn!

A trip to the pumpkin patch!

3 year difference!

Benson discovered candy corn…. A trip to the park!

Logan got home from work and I suggested going to Sauce on the Side for dinner. It was actually an amazing dinner and family outing! Benson was busy taking funny pictures of us.

Cake pops after! :)

Logan and Benson went and ran a few errands together. Benny loves the weekends because he gets his dad 24/7!

This kid loves sugar cookie dough! He loves cutting them out too… we have been making it twice a week!

He is also such a good cleaner! Our basement vacuum is adjustable height and it is perfect for Benny!

How perfect is this toilet for potty training?!

Cake pop Ben :)

Sabrina got us tickets to Boo at the Zoo. We ate dinner at Sauce on the Side together and then had a great time at the Zoo!

A trip to Hobby Lobby with the cutest Elf ever!

A dip in the bathroom sink! Haha

Sabrina + I planned a girls craft night to paint Halloween door mats. I cut out stencils for us to use and Sabrina did such a good job setting up the rest! It was so fun!

We had a Halloween party at gymnastics. I found Ben’s costume from last year since it would be super easy to run around in. He is so cute! Logan surprised us and came! It was great!

Mom! Cheese with Skellie!

We had some errands to run and one of our stops was Walmart. As soon as we walked in Benson saw the spider man outfit and had to have it. Once we got in the car he put it on and kept it on while we ran the rest of our errands. Seriously so cute!!

Photoshoot once we got home!

I’m not kidding … he wore it all day! Mask and all!

Benson LOVES meat meat. He loves prepping the meat too!

Benson was up early, so he took a very early nap. He crashed so hard around 4 and slept until 7. We were up pretty late doing puzzles. :)

Another Halloween party with Spider-Man!

After the party Benson was requesting Costco Pizza! So off we went and got some more things to paint. Logan had a gap in patients and came home for a few hours!

Nice long nap. :)

More meat meat!!

We got a new fire pit and had our first fire at this house. Crazy!!! It was so fun!


Sabrina came over to help decorate for our Halloween party! Benny trying on the witch hats.

The more we were decorating the more we kept adding to our list of things to do. By the end of our morning we both had more things coming from Amazon and one Instacart order. Haha!

Logan helped me hang spider webs from the ceiling. We plan to put lights over top, but since they have been delayed we figured we would at least get something on the ceiling.

We ended the night by hanging the balloon garland and the rest of the bats. There’s still a lot to do tomorrow before the party!

The lights arrived at 5:30 am and I was having a hard time sleeping so I started putting them up. I quickly realized two wouldn’t be enough and ordered more lights!

Logan’s class dressed up as Pokémon characters. We know nothing about the characters haha.

Spider Man was ready to take Docta Carter lunch. He sure looked cute!

I spent the rest of the day trying to get everything ready for the party! It was finally time! Sabrina + Carter came over early to help get all of the food ready. We snapped pictures of each other. Sooo cute!

It turned out sooo cute and we all had the best time!