a recap of our october

Each year October brings a rush of emotions + I hope the trauma and PTSD of 2016 doesn't kick us in the ass too bad. Some years it's okay, and others it is far from okay.
This year, so far has be okay. So here is our recap!
October 1st fell on a Saturday! We purchased bulbs to plant in our front yard and so I took off on a trip to get a few things for that. We had a very average pizza... and Benny spent all day fake talking to Grandma. :)

We spent all day Sunday outside prepping the garden. It was so nice outside and we accomplished so much! We both can't wait for spring to see them bloom.

I made our first fall batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!

Sewing.. Chick fila for dinner, and feeding the ducks! Logan has a mounted duck in our basement and Benson signs "bird" so he can go downstairs and pet the duck. Look at that WILD HAIR!

Our neighbors put up this skeleton... Benson is not afraid at all and wants to go give it "knuckles" multiple times a day.

Pizza, tooth cookies and snuggles!

There is a long walk route we occassionally do for some good exercise. One morning I decided to be brave and do it with Benson! He isn't always the best stroller rider... so I was a little nervous how far I could potentially be packing him and the stroller! He totally shocked me and did so good! We collected some dog treats from this cute house with the best mailbox ever and he could hardly wait to get them home to Finn!

Our front door desperately needed a new seal on the bottom and a kickplate. Success to both!

I've been working on making some Halloween Trick or Treat baskets for Benson. I haven't done this in forever! It's been so fun!

We celebrated Log's 27th Birthday!! Here is a link to that:

The day after Logan's birthday kicked off death week. I'm happy to report that this year was okay. We ordered nearly every meal from DoorDash and spent time with one another.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to reach out to me and even send me a little gift. 🤍

Maddy was spending the week at my mom's house and she was sending pictures of my dad as a child. Benson is identical. Of all of the things that sting the most about my dad being dead... having him not experience Benson is at the top of my list.
If you're reading this, you are alive. You are capable of being a better, more intentional person. Go to therapy, make amends, be the bigger person, and most of all... cut out the bull shit. You have an opportunity that a lot of people don't. Don't waste it.

Mr. Personality killing me with these looks!

2/4 baskets finished!

Some more halloween jammies from G+G Wooly.

Tackling the other flower bed!

Benny loves the weekends with more dad time!

Getting some Halloween decorations up!

JT took us out to these awesome walking paths! Benson fell right asleep.

Little Man and his best friend. :)

Super dad taking both of our kids to the park!

Bike rides, cookies, snuggles, popsicles+ reading books by the fire. These are some of the very best days together!

I don't think I've mentioned anything about Logan's facial hair... The residents all grow out their beards and trim them down to mustaches for the interviews. A playful joke on the interviewees. Logan brought up the idea of joining in... but then told me no way because he can't grow a beard. With some encouragement and pointing out that he's never really tried, he agreed to do it. And it has been so fun! The night before the last set of interviews he shaved it down to some handlebars, and I grabbed my eyebrow gel and dyed it. We had a good laugh!

More fun at home! Starbucks runs, taping eachother's mouths shut, basement hangs + doggo snuggles!

If there's anything Benson likes... it is being outside!

We scored with this new Meater+ thermometer and have had a blast cooking with it!

Another walk in Powder Valley. The leaves are so pretty, and the weather was perfect.

We purchased this baby swing for Benson before he was born. I love Nuna products and the fact that the Nuna Leaf has a weight limit of 130lbs made me feel like we could get a lot of use out of it! We hardly used it at all while he was a baby... and it's even crossed my mind to sell it. It's a good thing I didn't because he loves to crawl in it with his blanket and friends and snuggle. It is so cute!

This kid has the best personality!

We had a spur of the moment trip to a pumpkin patch south of Festus. It was about a 45 minute drive, and we had a great time! We stopped at Krabby Daddy's after and grabbed some dinner.

Logan's school takes Halloween very seriously and they all pick a class wide theme. His class decided they would dress up as their 3rd year "bigs". Logan dressed up as Jacob, red hair and all. It was hilarious!

Meanwhile at home....

We live for Saturdays! We tackled some yard projects and got our first power washer.

A little before and after... we are thinking we like it better without the panels. (after allll that work lol)

We played at the park forever. This weather has been awesome!

We also love having a second Saturday ;)

Just like that... it is the last day of October - Halloween! We spend the day playing - this kid is seriously always on the move.

We dressed up as Cruella, Roger + a dalmatian. It was a hit! We spent the evening over at Heidi + Dave's house and had a blast.

Heidi gave Benson a skeleton to take home (his favorite thing lately) and he has taken him everywhere we go!