November 2024
our time in St. Louis officially comes to an end (well Logan will be back for a few weeks)

We spent the morning at the botanical gardens! This was my mom’s first time here. It was a beautiful day.

We spent the next day undoing the long arm and packing. So much work!

Trip to the park… I can’t believe this might be our last time here!

Final stages of packing... it feels so overwhelming!

We made a banana sheet cake, worked on our handprint calendars and enjoyed some snuggles.

Between packing, lifting and bending over to clean my back decided it was done. As I was finishing scrubbing our shower/tub I felt a tweak in my back - thought I could walk it off. Decided to get in the shower to rinse off and it completely gave out. My entire right leg went numb and needed to be rescued, haha! I spent the next two days in bed. Logan made some beef tallow chips that were amazing, so I can’t complain too much!

Last Dewey’s, more playing with Brielle and little Mason. :)

Trip to Home Depot, one of the last swing photos. Man, we’ve really watched our baby grow up here!


I ordered MAGA and MAHA sweatshirts for myself. When I opened one it looked rather small… it was a youth small… but Ben looks cute in it!

We had one last get together with Jeff, Jaylee, Carter + Sabrina. I am really going to miss the friendship we have created.

Josh had one last request for Chiefs gear from Costco… so off we went! We got one (or two) of everything.

We stopped at a park after and had a great time!

Ben has turned out pile of totes into a bunk bed. He thinks we should all sleep out here.

We are really going to miss this park. It’s been a dream living right up the street from three parks and a tennis court.

We are really making progress on the hair washing! Still doesn’t love it, but no tears! Still loving his “bunk beds”.

Twas the night before the movers come and Logan presents his masters thesis…. So we took off to Texas Road House for a stress free family moment, per bensons request. :)

Moving day?!?!?! Logan got up early and took off to present his masters thesis. I made it into the PowerPoint! The movers showed up, and got to work!

These guys were thorough… to the extreme. It took much longer than I thought it would, but none the less the boys and I had a great day hanging out in our bedroom to stay out of their way! Ben was enjoying sharing his ice cream with him… oh my!

Hardik and Mika invited us over for dinner post move and it was so appreciated. I wish I would've snapped some pics! We really have the best time together.
Friday, the 22nd - our last day in St. Louis. We worked on packing up the car and getting ready for our big drive to Alabama after Logan is done with clinic. We met up with him and the Maughan’s at crave one last time. Ben and Brielle said goodbye and I definitely cried. Brielle gave him the sweetest picture of the two of him and he has taken it everywhere.

We snapped some final pics at our pink house and hit the road. Bitter sweet moment!

The movers texted me and said they could unload tonight rather than tomorrow (Saturday) if we wanted. I told them whatever worked best for them! My parents would be there if they wanted to, and they said yes!

I drove alllll nighttttttttt to get to youuuu. As Celine Dion once sung ;) We made the 11-12 hour drive and arrived at nearly 4 am. Wooo! It was amazing arriving to an unpacked home. We quickly went to sleep. :)

The next morning we explored and enjoyed our new home! Picked oranges from our satsuma tree and waited for Grammy and papa to bring over some lunch. We enjoyed eating it outside with our new table and breathed a sigh of relief!

We spent the rest of the day starting to unpack, build ikea projects and get ready for Lizzie and Josh to come!

Damon was the electrician extraordinaire! He asked if he could change all of the lights in the house to a warm light, and it has been so wonderful! He also changed out every light switch… the ones from before were so crusty and gross. THANK YOU!

This view is worth a million dollars. It brings such peace.

We have two of these orange satsuma trees and I don’t even know how we will begin to pick and give away all of these oranges. Insane and so fun!

Had to make some pb Rice Krispies in honor of my dad.

Unloading, arranging and enjoying our new home!!

Jumping to the Thanksgiving post:)

We finally are back down to one bed. We’ve pretty much had a king + queen next to each other for the last two years. We will see how this goes! Goodbye November!