november 2022

November 1st gives me a rush of anxiety. Why? It's time to renew our health insurance. I feel like it's a system I don't totally understand, and just hope it all turns out. I knew I had until Dec 15th to get this done... but the longer I put it off the more stress it would give me. I'm happy to say that I got it done, and I'm good to go until next year!
Benson cuddling with his friends, and throwing rocks out back. :)

We really needed some groceries from Costco, and I needed to get out of the house so we loaded up and went on a solo trip. It was a success! P.S. all of those truffles are neighbor christmas gifts lol

Benson went with me to my 6 month rheumotology appointment - it was a success! Body is still working. :) We made a german chocolate cake and our go to foccacia pizza for dinner!

The lottery is approaching 1 billion! Of course we have been playing + praying to the lottery god!

Personality larger than life! I love that he loves to snuggle and nap with me.

We have had the same little 4 foot tree for our entire marriage. Last year it finally died and the top doesn't light up. We've gone back and forth a million times if we were going to get one.... I found one online at Walmart for $100 and killer reviews! Ordered some ornaments from Target... went and got a tree skirt! I am so excited!

Everything finally arrived and we put it up. It looks soo good and was such a magical night.

Enjoying the last days of warm 80° weather!

Should be napping... posing for pics instead!

Making whoppie pies + eating sooo many popsicles! Damn teething.

The cutest little outfit from Target and the best purchase of cloud sand! Entertainment for HOURS!

We went to Bass Pro to explore and Benson loved it! They are building a new store right down the road and we will be so excited when that opens! He wanted to give everything knuckles.

He fell asleep on the drive home, so we ate some jimmy johns in the car while he slept.

Benson fell asleep much earlier than he normally does - (this freaking time change has been sooo hard) I was just sitting there and remembered I had a bottle of wine in the fridge. It was a nice way to relax for a moment.

Playing, playing, playing. Sun up to sun down!

My oven needed to be cleaned... I accidently dumped a pizza in the bottom about a year ago and never got around to cleaning it. That changed today!

I also had the best day with my sidekick. :)

Priceless pictures on our walk. :)

Soooo tired!

Learning how to sign "Peace"

Trip to Wally's. Benson was in heaven!

We came home and as soon as we walked in it smelt like burning plastic. We looked at our fireplace and the outlet was not far from starting on fire. Hot, melted. Yikes. We got home in the nick of time!

Bad boy Ben

I have had a terrible earache - so I decided to try this. I don't think it helped, but it was sure an experience!

Log got our Christmas lights up! We just need a few new clips to adjust some of them.

Family pictures thanks to a self timer. Such a fun phase of life!

Benson slept in until 11 am. I have no idea why, but he must be growing. Woke up with a smile!

As soon as he was finally awake, we went to Target to pick up my new Kitchen Aid! I've always had a Bosch... but made an impluse purchase when I saw it was 40%. I love it!

More selfies... :)

Logan's current glasses, contacts.... overall eye situation gives him horrible migraines. We are thinking about pulling the trigger on lasik to solve it once and for all. Benson snuggles him and rubs his head. So sweet. :)

My parent came into town for Thanksgiving!
Full post on that here:

After they left our toilet stopped flushing so we ran to Ace to get the parts to fix it. Benson wanted to bring this snowman home.

Sending "I miss you" and "peace" pics to Grandma.

Have I mentioned how thankful I am for grocery delivery? Especially Costco delivery?!

I made this quilt while we lived in Kirksville... finally getting around to quilting it.

Made my first batch of cookies!

Waiting for aunt Mappie to answer our FaceTime.

Just a casual party at 4:34 am.

We went on to have another fun filled day!

One of Benson's Christmas presents from grandma mitzi came! We love it!

We went out to Ballwin to pick up one of the 2 Step Rollercoasters for Benson. We saw a Wendy's on our way out there and decided we would go for dinner. It was such a flop! Only peppermint frosties.... Yuck. Pic of me in the jacket for Maddy ;)

We are ending November with some freezing walks in 20° and many roller coaster rides. :)