Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase • say that ten times fast.

Recurrent miscarriage loss typically is only given as a diagnosis after 3 (!!!!) miscarriages. I wish so badly health care providers would be more proactive in giving people more information prior to having children... especially people with known health issues.
We put a ton of work into getting all of the appropriate tests and appointments taken care of before getting pregnant. We were still living in Kirksville at the time and the local OB told me I must get care in St. Louis and referred me to a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor. Dr. Jackson is a great guy, gave us the green light, and ultimately lined me up with my OB Dr. Phillips once I was pregnant.
Our first miscarriage was a "missed miscarriage". We saw a healthy normal baby at our 8 week appointment, and our 12 week appointment there was no heartbeat. I can't even put into words how horrific this experience was. Unfortunately, they do just happen... with no reason and you are usually told just try again without any intervention.
I was really into watching Bringing Up Bates, a reality TV show of a family in Tennessee who has 19 children. One of their daughters had multiple miscarriages before discovering she had genetic clotting disorders that was terminating the pregnancies. It took her 4 miscarriages before they found out she had MTHFR and PAI. I kept this in the back of my mind but hoped it really was a one time fluke and the next pregnancy would be successful.
Fortunately, and unfortunately I get pregnant very easily. A second pregnancy lasted about the same amount of time before I miscarried again. I was spiraling. Thankfully my OB didn't make me endure a third miscarriage before diagnosising recurrent miscarriage and sending me to an REI.
We took a deeper dive into clotting disorders like Factor V but nothing came back. We decided to take a shot in the dark and just try daily blood thinners. We never tested for MTHFR or PAI, but with the blood thinners I had a successful, healthy pregnancy and baby.
2022 is here and I finally feel like my feet are on the ground enough to dig up the MTHFR thing again. The more I have researched, I am certain it is something my dad had.
I want to be prepared and give my sisters, and Benson as much information about their bodies as I can. I ordered a testing kit, Logan swabbed my cheeks and a few weeks later the results came back.

Positive. Both genetic variations. One of the first things that sticks out to me is that there is a warning to the medication Methotrexate. This is a chemotherapy drug that sometimes helps with joint pain. I took this for about 4 months before I started having really bad reactions. Methotrexate lung, it's a thing. Google it. Nobody would believe me, so this was incredibly validating.

At an OB trip a few weeks later my mom was giving an indepth health history and mentioned I had Lupus + MTHFR. She asked if I had any kids and was shocked I was able to. She agreed it was extremely dangerous and a good idea to not have any more. She also said Maddy and Lizzie must get tested. I loved having my mom call me and tell me all that she had learned. Something I have had to learn from a lot of google, trial and error, some doctor in Florida validated it all!
I'll be so interested to see what Maddy and Lizzie's results are.
I guess the point of this whole random blog post is to just say get freaking tested. It's $150, and could save you so much heartache and issues.
I came across some some interesting things about vaccine injuries with the MMR vaccine and having MTHFR. One of the biggest links is actually getting Lupus... well here I am. :) I would also recommend everyone listen to Candice Owen's "Shot in the Dark" on Parler.
Getting Benson tested was a must do before we decided on any further vaccines... and MMR is a one year old visit shot. Thankfully I have found a doctors office who will work with a schedule I decide... or will support no vaccines.
The test came, we swabbed his cheeks and sent it off. A few weeks later.... results came back and sure enough - Positive for two genetic variations. He does not have the first one they search for, but two on the second gene they look at. Man! Cheese and wine are not in his future. :(
I'm so glad to be able to look into these things and give his body the best tools to be able to work. Logan is going to get tested so we can learn more about the MTHFR genes he carries. What a ride!!