Mitzi turns 50!
Fifty Nifty Great Years of Mitzi!

My mom is turning 50!! We all made plans to fly in and celebrate with her. Thankfully, I have the easiest travel day to her house.
A quick hour and 20 minute flight, which Benson slept all of! Yay!

We were picked up from the airport and Benson was so excited to hold hands with Grammy and drive to Back Beach BBQ!

Back at the house Benson got some new toys that Meat Meat Poppy 3D printed! Scoop dump!

Off to the pool!! :)

So much playing! Grammy has the best toys and she got Benny a Spiderman outfit! He also is half gangster... lol!

Maddy + Lizzie arrived after we went to sleep. :) It was fun to see them the next morning! We enjoyed a delicious loaf of Damon's famous bread! YUM!

We ran a few errands, which included picking up the birthday cake! It is beautiful! Target cake pop. Yum!

Once we got home, we were off to the pool! Benson has learned how to flip people off... and he loves to do it all the time. Haha! Grammy even did some wild flips with him. :)

Back at home we at some meat meat, played a few 1973 trivia games! Damon got one of my gifts... it was hilarious!

The official birthday!! We stayed up the night before and decorated. I had asked people to submit things they love about my mom, and boy did they deliver! We opened presents, ate breakfast and hung out together.

My mom's friend + personal trainer, Tara asked if we could do a flash mob dance. She choreographed the entire thing and it was a hit! Totally surprised my mom and made her laugh.

Later that day we went to the Florida Fish House for dinner. It was so hot outside and Benson was done! I walked until I found a place that sold something cold... a popsicle! He was a whole new revived person. After we came home and ate cake!

Ending the birthday celebration with a trip to the pool! What a great day celebrating our favorite lady!

Shaka + the beach! Ben, you are so dang cute!

We stopped by Carousel on the way home and Benny got the cutest HoHo jammies!

Our last day together! Started off the morning with Playa bowls. My first time and wow... YUM!

Trash truck days are the best!

We went out to dinner and Benny was so funny! I'll upload the videos of our wild dinner. :)

We took pics on the beach after dinner. A perfect way to end our trip together! I love you, Mom and I am so thankful we got to celebrate you!

Another great recap of our time together: