MAY 2023
summer is right around the corner!

I really love the month of May. It's so full of sunshine, warm weather, and summer is right around the corner.
Benson woke up begging for Meat Meat. I offered him a breakfast burrito with some sausage bites in it... but that wasn't cutting it. So we took off to Chick-Fil-A and he inhaled a sausage patty. He is so funny!

I love watching this sweet little face sleep.

We went on a family walk and he was loving holding on to both of us saying "MommyDaddy DaddddyMommyy". We are best friends!

Tried another raw milk source... haha.

Besties enjoying some fries. :)

A very busy day!!

I love how much time we can spend outside right now. It's the perfect temp!

Wearing "Mommy's hat", riding Wilbur down the slide + completing my first quilt in a LONG time.

More grass growing adventures! It is turning out really good!

Logan came home from an early Wal-mart run with a tent! We had so much fun playing with it in our living room.

I found some dye free sprinkles and Benson is in HEAVEN. It reminds me how Lizzie would eat sprinkles as a kid.

A very busy day playing + painting nails pink!

A trip to our new Bass Pro, making treats, reorganizing our closet+ quilting!

More closets, Bass Pro with Dad, + endless playing!

Finny snuggles!

The entire crew is here for our park outting!

Wild Child!

For Mother's Day Logan sent me to the Four Season's Spa. Oh I love this place! I enjoyed a wonderful massage, fries + smoothie, hot tub, steam room + read my book!

Meanwhile... the boys went and fed ducks, ate some Chick Fil A, and rode a train!

When I got home Benny + I made some cookies. :)

Mother's Day we spent the day relaxing and shopping for our upcoming concert. Best day!

Look at this comparison! Logan used to hold Benson like this if he was upset... Haha!

Love this alligator boy :)

Off to the train station for creation station and train rides!

Made some angel food cake and creme brulee!

My whole wide world

Waiting to go pick up Grammy from the airport!

Our first getaway!

It always makes me sad for a few days after my mom leaves. :( She's a huge help and I miss her!
We took off to feed the ducks + Logan met us there! Benny found Donny (raccoon) + Miss Mona (mouse) at the park! Yes, he insisted on this outfit... Haha!

He is addicted to these cookies from Trader Joe's! He ate an entire box while my mom was here.

We needed to get out of the house so we headed to the train station! Benson loves the creation station. The first session is at 9:15 and goes until 10. We rode the train after and all he wanted to do was go and play more. He kept signing PLAY!!! So we decided to stick around until the next session at 10:30 and he LOVED it.

Every single morning Benson woke up and begged to PLAY. So every morning we took off for more playing! Benny also got a hair cut!

Ben was SO sad to leave and just wanted to keep playing with the trains. So we decided to buy our own!

Bug catcher and enjoying the outdoors!

Ice cream date!

Post bath snuggles!

Benson was so sad that we were all out of pink cookies... so off to Trader Joe's we went!

We have been trying to get back to the tunnel trains... so Benny and I went to the zoo! He was a little disappointed and thought there was a play time there.

Trains at the park!

Popsicles at 4 am. :)

We tried to go to creation station at 10:30, but they were sold out. :( We found some trucks outside to play with instead!

Working it!

Weekends are for Daddy + Benny dates!

Mommy + Benny dates!

Trip to Wally's! Donny, Walter, Miss Mona + Trash Truck!

Logan's sister Lainee + her boyfriend are driving to Kentucky so they stopped by our house for some lunch!

The pool is open! So we went to float the lazy river!

If you have made it this far, you probably know by now that Benson wakes up begging to PLAY! Logan took him so I could get some sleep. Smoothie + Park!

We had to go find a play option, and they only place open was the Natural History Museum in Forest Park!

We set up our pool! It is going to be so fun this year with the nets. I emptied our hot water heater to have the water warm!

Logan was off for Memorial Day and finally got to check out creation station! They had a blast together.

Surfing Ben!

Navajo Tacos from one shot doe, the navajo.

Evening pool dip! Brrrrr!

Love my park buddy!