May 2021
traveling to Lizzie’s wedding!

We found a sourdough bread store and we tried it out. Soo good! I ordered a new handsfree breastpump. MOOOOOO

We took our bikes out of our very first official ride. I was worried the entire time!

Soo many Benny snuggles

Postpartum has been humbling.... and I am starving 24/7.

I feel like he is aware even more every single day. It is so magical. We spend most days snuggled up in the recliner watching Jane the Virgin, or The Affair.

Lizzie and Josh are getting married! Yahoo! At 8 weeks old, we are taking our first big family trip.
We flew from STL -> SLC -> SGU. All flights were perfect and layovers were right on. The only problem came when we got the worst rental car on the planet....

We had a great few days and saw lots of family!

Our flights home were also easy and on time. SUCCESS! Benson made googley eyes at us for some of the flight and it was so cute!

Back home and relaxing! Benson has had a clogged tear duct and it makes me so sad!

The infamous... are you teething game.

So many snuggles!

Breastfeeding has been so hard and I have no idea what I am doing. But I want it to work SO BAD!