countdown to graduation!

It is officially graduation month! The countdown has begun to May 20th!
We did something kind of crazy - and buzzed Benson's hair. It was half accident... half on purpose. We were trying to give it a trim... but we probably should have checked the length of the guard first. I almost puked, and defintiely cried... but he looks so cute!

This new look is going to take some getting used to! He doesn't look like a baby anymore!

Freshening up our rubber mulch with a trip to Lowes!

Aunt Maddy bought Ben this carhartt last year and he's fitting in to it this year!

This kid has been a berry addict! Pointing to the fridge for more.

We played at the park and we got together with Chase + Chaynee for dinner.

Today was one of those core memory days. Nothing about it was out of the ordinary... it was just a good day together. Donuts, walks, and the end of dental school so close!

Today is Mother's Day! We relaxed, got some canes and spent a lot of time outside!

Water table, park, so much fun outside!

Benson has really never been sick. He had a goopy tear duct as a baby ... but actually sick, never. He started to feel a little warm and just wanted to snuggle.

Logan bought a pool from Costco and we set it up in the backyard. It was FREEZING!

I went and chopped off my hair. It felt so nice after!

Graduation party prep! Benny is still feeling sick.

Benny's fever finally broke, but then he started developing a rash. We couldn't figure out if it was from sweating so much or the sickness. We added a bug net to the pool... the bugs are sooo bad here!

The rash kept growing... Lots of sleeping. Lots of worry! After consulting doctor google, we think it is Roseola. We called our nurse hotline because it is a weekend and she agrees... we decide to just keep an eye on it.

The rash starts improving, YAY! Trying on the cap + gown!

For our entire marriage + even dating, I have cut Logan's hair. As the years have gone on... the more I hate it. You would think after 8 years I would have it down to a science. Well, I do not. It's a gamble each time and it's pretty much 50/50 if it turns out.
Logan knows how I feel about this but the idea of spending money to get a hair cut makes him ill... so we endure this every 4-6 weeks.
Let's have you guess if his graduation hair cut turned out or not.

Y'all - I have no idea what happened. It's never ever been this bad. A quick call to Lady (hooker) Jane's and he was off for a hair cut to hopefully fix this mess. She fixed it... he's just boarder line bald. Sorry Log!

We made some tooth shaped sugar cookies and Benson's darling summer hat came! Logan also picked up a mirror from Ikea and hung it for me!

Our pool had a hole in it, so we returned it and got a new one. Started decorating for graduation and played outside.

My mom asked Logan what he wanted for graduation and he said a tool bench. While at Costco earlier that day he saw the one he wanted and asked if I knew if she had bought one yet. When we got home my mom asked me to order what one he wanted and she would pay me back. I told her there was one at Costco and she said go get it! He literally was on the road as fast as he could be! It barely fit in our car, and required some work to get in our basement! He is so happy!

The LAST day of clinic! WHAT!

Just like that we are ready for graduation! Here is the recap!

The rest of our May + 4 week summer break can be found here!