March 2024
The month our baby turned 3! Nonstop party!

Our days following our Utah trip were spent trying to catch up! We were both exhausted and trying to get back into the routine of life.
It’s officially Ben’s birthday month! Brielle’s birthday is 3 days before his, so we went to build a bear for their birthday bear. It was our first time and we had a blast!

Nothing quite like a kitchen sink soak!

Benson has never liked being dirty. When I pulled out some firefighter tattoos I didn’t think for a second he would be interested.
Boy, was I wrong!

By the end of the 12 packages, Logan and I were also covered. Benson became quite good at applying them all by himself! Haha!

I worked on an Easter sewing project while the boys went and fed the ducks.

Papa had some luggage sent here for their Italy trip. Benson had to send him a picture with the luggage!

Seriously! Where does he come up with these faces.

It was a beautiful evening so we decided to set up one of Benny’s birthday presents.. the tramp! He had a blast!

Just like that it was time to pick up Lizzie from the airport!

Grammy and Papa arrived not much later. We all met at their hotel to drop off some snacks and go to Rosalita’s for dinner.

We were sat in the only not covered portion of the patio. A storm blew in and thankfully our waiter moved us. Logan and I were still getting sprinkled on, but our friend fell fast asleep under his beanie.

The next day we met back at their hotel for some swimming while Liz and I worked out.

We spent the rest of the day baking the cake, sewing and relaxing! Ohh yeah and a few tornado sirens went off!

More birthday prep! Grammy took Ben to the park and dinner at Cooper’s Hawk!

Party day! I’ll link the full birthday post a little further down in the blog.

After the party DJ and Logan found his dream car!

Us girls went shopping for a few hours!

Benny couldn’t get enough of his water cannon. We tried to go swimming again, but it was closed! :( So we hung out in the hotel while Benny put on a show for us.

Lizzie had an early flight out, we had the best time with her! She was so much help!
Grammy and Papa came over to say goodbye and hit the road since they would be driving instead of flying! We had the best time with everyone.

Sunday afternoon we went over to the Maughan’s house for Brielle’s birthday party! We had a blast!

Sugar cookies, teeth teeth, more birthday presents and activity boxes!

Grammy sent a kit to grow our own Easter basket grass!

One last snuggle with my 2 year old.

Just like that it’s our Benny’s birthday! Here is the full blog post -

We made some peanut butter bird seed pinecones! The squirrels quickly snatched them.

It’s officially spring break but it’s also the week before Logan’s last board exam…. Not sure who planned that! We are hanging out at home so he can study! Week filled of Easter activity and crafts.

Cute Easter sewing project!

Easter egg hunt at Eckert’s!

Easter egg hunt with some old dental school friends.

Too much fun at the park!

Easter egg hunt Easter morning! He got the cutest little wheelbarrow and tools!

Logan has his last board exam in 2 days so Ben and I went on an adventure so he could study.

Just like that… March is over! :)