Lizzie comes to St. Louis
Lizzie comes to visit St. Louis for the 1st time!

While we lived in Kirksville Lizzie came and visited us once in October 2018... and as she was leaving she vowed to never return!!
She wasn't kidding because she really never came back. I can't say I blame her though. That place was a dump.
Upon moving to St. Louis, she scheduled a trip to come and see us for a whole week! I was so excited!! Our time together went a little like this:
Monday May 4:
We picked up Lizzie from the airport! I nearly killed us on the drive home because drivers wouldn't let me merge onto the freeway! Sorry about that guys. We stopped at Raising Canes on the way home, and then lounged on the couch. Log & Liz were both asleep before too long. Finn LOVES Lizzie, he is actually obsessed with her.

Tuesday May 5:
Lizzie interviews with Dixie State and ROCKS it. We ordered Sauce on the Side for lunch, one of our new FAVS. (thanks damon) We go to Target and get the most cozy matching jammies!! Finn sleeps outside Lizzie's door.

Wednesday May 6:
Lizzie slept in until 12! Girls gotta get her zzz's while she can!! We mostly just hung out today and watched tv, and took Finno on some walks. :)

Thursday May 7:
We get ready and head to the Gateway Arch! We stop and grabbed some super yummy BBQ from Sugarfire and had a wonderful picnic under the arch.
We walked around, snapped some pics and found a gelato place to get some dessert at. It was in a part of St. Louis called "The Hill" It's pretty much like a little Italy. We walk up to the window (because of course we can't go in because of the 'rona) and a large man greets us with a bandana tied around his face
Him: What's your last name? I'll go get your order.
Me: Oh uhm we didn't call ahead.. do we need to?
Him: Oh well that's all we are doing but I guess since you're here I'll just get it for you.
Me: Great, thanks. Uhmmmm.. What is your most popular flavor?
Him: Oh we are out of all the good stuff.
Me: ??? Well what's the best one out of the list right here????
Him: Uhhh I don't know. I'm a diabetic, I don't eat any of it. Just sometimes the orange one.
Me: .......................
We quickly all picked one of the "lower rank" flavors and watched as he scooped the ice cream, and stuffed it into a white paper bag. He brought over the bag and placed it in a tub to then give to me. I also had to place my CC in a legit noodle colander because NO CONTACT. We could no contain ourselves from laughing. It was all SO STRANGE. The ice cream was good, but the experience definitely won't be having me running back any time soon!

We ended our last day with some bad ass karaoke. I don't think I've laughed that hard in a while. I'm also not so sure any of us have careers in the music industry!
Friday May 8:
We woke up and headed out to the airport to drop Lizzie off. SAD :( Our week went by WAY too fast, We loved our time together and hope she will come back soon!!!