Lifestyles Expo 2023
Waco + Dallas!

This year the Lifetstyles Unlimited Expo was held in Dallas... Irving to be exact. I was so excited to go and Logan was able to take some days off to come with us.
We left Valentine's at 6:40 pm. Our flight was only 40% full so we had plenty of room to stretch out. Benson LOVED it. He was buzzing the entire time.

We've all had a nasty cold that I thought would be long gone by now... but it is not. While we were descending I thought my sinuses might explode. I've never experienced pain like that. Logan told me to "get it to together". I've been teasing him ever since.
My parents flew in before us and picked us up with a rental car. Benson was sooo excited to see them. We swung through an In and Out drive thru and took off to Waco.
Benson slept the entire drive... it was amazing! We got to our AirBnB and it was so perfect. Benson buzzed around for a few hours and then we went off to bed!

The next morning we had reservations at Magnolia Table. It was so fun! I can't taste a thing because of this cold but it was still awesome!

After breakfast we headed back to the house and got ready to go explore. It lived up to all expectations. I could spend some serious money here! The weather was incredible and Benson had a blast playing soccer and in the water fountain.

Benny was ready for a nap! We all relaxed for a few hours. The boys went and got some BBQ, and we chatted!

Next we went and checked out the Dr. Pepper museum and enjoyed some treated. I even had a hot DP... interesting!

More playing before bed! This kid loves playing in the sink.

The next morning we packed up and went back to Magnolia one more time to make a few purchases. It was MUCH colder, but Benson didn't mind and wanted to play with the soccer balls all day!

We stopped by my favorite, In N Out, one more time before driving back to Dallas. Benny slept the entire way!

Once we got to the hotel we tried to check in. The lady was anything but kind and told me she didnt't have a room ready and would call me if she had one... but somehow she found a room for Damon.
We hung out in their room for a few hours, went and checked in at the expo, took a dip in the pool and finally got a room! It had a great view of the lake.

Maddy suggested Pappa Bros for dinner. It was a very fancy steakhouse. It was an interesting experience, the waiter was an arrogant ass... so that kind of ruined it for me. Everyone enjoyed their meals!

The next morning we went to Starbucks for breakfast before Damon's 10:30 Quest class. Damon ordered 2 Impossible sandwiches, and Logan ordered one after they said that was all they had left.
As I was bringing our drinks to the table they let me know they only had two and if it was okay if they replaced it with a sausage sandwich. I thought this was funny because it was a sausage patty in the Impossible... I told her that was fine.
Logan took the substituted sandwich and Damon took both Impossible Sandwiches. He didn't seem to be enjoying it and when my mom asked him how they were he said eehh okay.
Later on that day we realized they were plant based sausage! Damon is on a strict carnivore diet so we had a good laugh.
Exploring while Damon taught his class.

Pretending to be Santa with Grammy.

Logan thought the pool was 65°. We told him it was probably 90°... so I brought down a thermometer to check. 84°. I win!

Logan had plans to meet up with a dental school friend, Nelson for dinner. Everyone else was going out to dinner with one of Damon's friends. I didn't have it in me to endure another dinner out so I ordered a Grimaldi's pizza. Logan walked over and brought it back to me... they must have made it an hour earlier. It was so cold and disappointing! Benson did enjoy the tiramisu!

Logan had a great night with Nelson and I had a peaceful evening to myself while Benny slept. :) The only problem is Logan came back smelling sooo bad!

Our last full day! Damon had both of our Podium classes today so I was really excited! The first one went great! We all took turns with Benny so I could listen, answer questions and meet some of my friends I'd only known through email.

After the class we grabbed some lunch! It was really good!

We walked back to the hotel so Benny could nap, and I walked back to the convention center for our second class. This one went great too! I love my job and meeting new friends.
Benson woke up and Logan walked 2 miles after he fell back asleep. Best dad ever!

My mom, Benson + I drove 30 minutes to Denton to have lunch with my mom's cousin Ruthie. It was great and we stopped at Buccee's!

Meanwhile the boys were at a Brazilian Steakhouse!

Back together we hung out and enjoyed our last evening together. These trips always go by so fast!

We flew home on the 9:20 flight. 1 hour 13 minutes + Benny slept the whole thing!

What an amazing trip! Until next year!