Lifestyles Expo 2022
first lifestyles expo

I love my job. Prior to moving to Missouri, Damon asked if I would be interested in running support for his products Quest + Discovery. A few hours a week and couple hundred bucks a month. I was all over it!
March 2020 Damon asked if I would be interested in going full-time with a new product he had been designing called Podium. A platform that would let Lead and Passive investors connect and raise funds. This was a whole new concept to me... and I had so much to learn. I dove into many hours of learning and making tutorial videos for our customers.
The last two years have flown by. The product has been a huge success and it is still growing! Each year Lifestyles Unlimited hosts an Expo. They teach classes, have tours, and give people a chance to connect. This year things finally lined up for us to go.

It landed over Logan's spring break, right before Benson's first birthday. My mom flew into town to attend Benny's one-year-old pictures and we all flew to Houston together.
Quick and easy flight! Once we landed they didn't have a gate open for us, so we had to wait nearly an hour before unloading. Ugh!

We made it to baggage claim and met some fellow Lifestyles Members from St. Louis. We were chatting with them and waiting for our bags to come out. I saw one bag, we went over and grabbed it when suddenly the cops are trying to evacuate everyone. Logan and I are looking at each other trying to figure out what is going on. I see our other bags coming and I tell Logan go grab those! Right before we are about to get kicked out I see the carseat bag and made Logan run passed the cops to grab it. Sorry Log!
I went up to my mom and her new friends, who are completely oblivious to what is going on and tell them we are being evacuated ... there is a bomb threat. We quickly go outside, thankfully with all of our bags and DJ swings by in the motorhome to pick us up.
I guess a dog alerted on a bag... there was not a bomb. It took over a 1.5 hours to open back up the airport and let people get the rest of their bags.

While raising his kids, Damon lived in the Houston (Katy) area so he knows this place like the back of his hand! We arrived at the airport, get checked in, and relaxed for a little bit.
We met back up and decided on dinner at Pappadeaux's. There was about a 45-minute wait, so we played and chatted until they were ready. The service was slow but the food was amazing!! Great company too! Benny ended the night snoozing as we walked back to the hotel.

Thursday was a free day! We started the day off with some breakfast and a trip to the pool! Oh does this child love to swim. Emily and Nechemia were in town so we made plans to meet them at a Jewish Deli called Kenny + Ziggy's. We had some time to kill before lunch so we strolled through a few nearby stores. Benson rides the saddle like he knows what he is doing.

It's time to eat! Oh boy, do we discover Benson's love for pickles! The food was amazing, and the cheesecake was WOW!

We headed over to the convention center to get checked in and get our badges for the Expo. Del and Lynn gave a welcome speech and we went to a social to eat some snacks and meet some people.
It is so fun meeting so many people I have met in the last few years. I can't wait until Logan is out of school and we can do some of this investing ourselves.

Friday we ate some breakfast, went to the pool, and grabbed some lunch before Damon's Quest class. Benson doesn't care to sit still, so Logan and I roamed the halls of the convention center and enjoyed some Starbucks cake pops. Benson fell asleep and we enjoyed some Starbucks and conversation in the hotel lobby. When he woke up we checked out the hotel lobby store and he found this puppet, he loves his puppy!
We made another pool trip in the evening and got some Mexican food to go. There was a Rockets game at the Toyota Center next door and it was a loud party we watched from the 14th hotel floor.

Saturday we hung around and grabbed lunch before Damon's Podium Lead and Passive classes. These are our big-ticket products and boy did they deliver! The Passive class had standing room only. It was so rewarding to watch Damon present. Benny slept through the entire class. :) After the class, we had a million people with questions or problems so we tackled those. It was so fun to meet some friends I had communicated with over email. I even had some friends bring me chocolate macadamia nuts from Hawaii!

The Lead class was next, I didn't get to sit through this one for as long... Benny was ready to explore! It was still great to catch the end and meet more of my friends. We ended the afternoon with one last trip to Pappadeaux's. YUM. Benson slept through the meal. One last pool trip before our early 5:50 am flight out on my baby's birthday!

We woke up and were dropped off at the airport. It was an awesome little trip to Houston. I am so thankful for my job and the flexibility it gives me to raise Benson and help provide for my family. I live a good life. :)