June 2024
A few trips + family time. Officially 6 months til graduation!

We finally tried Nathaniel Reid Bakery!!! YUM!

Ben’s June box arrived. I love this box!

Pool day + playing!!

Ben was a rockstar at my 6 month rheumotology appointment.

Ben seems to have very sensitive eyelids, he’s got a stye. ugh! We played hard outside, made cookies and put together our new outdoor storage box.

Chad Daybell’s nickname in prison is the slug. Because he’s really just a slug, emotionless and moves slowly. They came out with some trial merch and I couldn’t pass up this “Salt the Slug” shirt. Fitting since he is getting the death penalty.

Park trips, sewing prep, busy days!

We made cupcakes, got dinner to go from Cooper’s Hawk, played at a park and got some goodies from Whole Foods! Came home and had a blue bath!

Logan got a hair cut and then we went to Suson Park!

Water slide party!!

Boys, boys, boys… hilarious!

Cute sewing kit I am putting together for my mom to do while she is in Utah with Maddy.

We watched Ellie for a few hours, rode in the puddle down our street and made Grandpa Don a Father’s Day gift. :)

Tried a new dinner recipe! Pretty good!

One last Benny snuggle before I head off to Utah for a few days!

Utah trip!

Father’s Day! I asked Ben a few questions about Logan and these were his answers… hilarious!

Logan is the best dad ever. We are so lucky to have him! We went to dinner at a new place and it was delicious.

Logan’s summer break is this week so we are excited to be home together!
We took a 24 hour trip to Chicago via Amtrak!

We were all so tired by the time we made it back!
Ben practicing riding a scooter!

We needed to update our Will/Trust, Hulk came along for the ride!

The best water slide, providing hours of entertainment!

Finally got a bookshelf for all of Ben’s fun books!

Logan’s last first day! We slacked on taking an official picture, but the end is near!

We met the girls at the park and had a great time!

Peach pies, dinner and many park trips.

This kid is growing up way too fast.

More summer fun!

Ben’s eye has been improving…. But I felt like I should probably go somewhere to get a second opinion and an idea of how to handle it if it happens again. This stuff gives me wild anxiety. I was the bravest scared mom ever. :) I took pictures the day before just in case he wouldn’t let them get a good look.

Of course the next day it looked even better. The appointment went great and they were positive and helpful. Phew!
Another park trip!

The boys had a late dinner event at the school with the newest residents so Sabrina and I spent the evening at the pool with the kids. It was so fun! Brielle has had more experience with her floaty, Ben was a little anxious. He said to her, “Brielle, you’re doing great! Ben is not doing great.” We had a good laugh!

We wrapped up June with a party welcoming the new residents! I wish I would’ve taken pictures but we had a great time. Can’t believe we are officially third years. Wow!