June 2023
tunnels + play

Man this year is flying by! I cannot believe we are already in June!
I bet you can't guess what we did this morning.... :)

And the next day....

A dip in the city pool.... :)

And a sonic slushy!

Benny boy was up bright and early at 5:30 am. Logan threw him in the carrier and took off on a walk with him so I could go back to sleep. By the time I woke up at 8 am, Logan had over 8,000 steps racked up!!
I've wanted to try out Pint Sized Bakery forever - so we placed an online order and off we went. It was out of this world. Logan was raving about the quiche and meat pie!

Yeah, yeah, I know... We are back at it again!

The sap on our car has been driving Logan nuts... so he went to work cleaning the cars and then we knocked out the garage! SO. MANY. SPIDERS!

Logan's step count by the end of the day....

Benson was up again at 5:30, and so I took a turn. I didn't get any pictures but we went and drove through tunnels (underpasses), got donuts, + played at the park! Once Logan was awake we went to the store to get some more coffee. Benson HAD to have Batman!

Yes, four days in a row.

The Otto Grill arrived! Logan made lamb chops and was in HEAVEN! I prepped some pizza dough for the next day.

I escaped for a Hobby Lobby run and the boys made more lamb! We tried the Pizza and it was great!

Ending the night with some sink soaks!

I have been avoiding the train place this week, we all need a break.... :) We opted for some mint choco boom! Aka waffle cone and vanilla with oreos.

Quilt progress!!

Logan made a ribeye with the Otto grill and inhaled it!

Cutest little santa bubble beard. :)

Benson was up super early again... so off to the park we went!

It's officially Logan's last day of school!! I cannot believe how fast our first year has went. Benson and I went to creation station and then met up with Logan for lunch.

Look how much they have both changed since August!

Living my dream life :)

Benny boy fell asleep on the drive home and enjoyed a nice long nap with me. :)

Logan officially moved into his new spot for the next 18 months!

Stop signs!

Climbing like a monkey!

Ice cream + sink baths.

Squeezing some oranges for OJ and Benson sampling each orange... haha!

The boys took off to the park, to be caught in a rain storm! Mom to the rescue!

Trip to Costco + Logan came back with a bag of croutons. My dad would always ask for a bag of croutons to go along with my pizza. They stopped doing them during Covid, so it was a very sweet surprise and fun memory.

Benny went down for the night and Logan and I enjoyed a nice conversation in our backyard with some strawberries with sour cream + brown sugar. :)

Trip to the ducks + being a monkey on the playground!

It was time for our camping trip! Logan and I packed up and headed about an hour south. We stopped in St. Genevieve and it was an odd, smelly little town....

We drove to our campsite and got to work on getting dinner ready!

We tried taking a little walk... but it was really steep! We came back and enjoyed our potatoes!

The only problem with this location is there is nothing to do. No water, playground... so after a few hours we decided to head down the road 15 minutes and get some McDonalds. We found a park and spotted some animals on our way back!

It was a rough night sleep. Ha Ha. 3 of us in a queen sized bed. Oooof! The next morning we woke up, made some pancakes and hit the road!

We came home to some new swimsuits for Benny, he is so cute!

We decided to find a splash pad and try them out! So much fun!

Little man was exhausted and fell asleep on our way home. :)

He woke up and snuggled back down with Logan for a few hours. While they slept, I was able to update my quilting software and get to work on Lizzie's quilt!!

Stickers, park trips + a finished quilt!

We made some whoopie pies to take over for our swim party with Barb + Dave. Yum!

Funny car pics :)


I slept in, while the boys went to the park!

Once I was awake we went to Pint Sized Bakery. YUM!

Playing outside :)

Trains have been a huge hit at our house!

Father's we celebrated with a pretty low key day. Logan had opened his gifts early... so we just relaxed. He is the BEST dad ever + I am so thankful for him. He relaxed while Benny + I went to a new park!

Back at home a wild rain storm let loose!

We are down to just one more day of Summer Break. It's gone by so fast!! We checked out the Science Center (eeehhh) - the best part was this giant tractor.

We weren't sure what to do next, and I suggested Ikea. It was such a hit! Benson played with everything and went crazy when we got to the kids section. Crawling into beds and making himself right at home! Ha Ha.

He made it out with some new trains and finger puppets :)

Our new basement couch arrived!

Just like that our summer break is over. We snapped some first day pics and off Logan went. Benson has learned how to flip Logan off... it is hilarious and he asks for help to get all of his fingers down except the middle one.

Creation station here we come!

Water balloons galore!

By the end of the day Benson was standing on the porch crying for Logan to come home. He really missed him today!

Day 2 we went to Grant's Farm! We fed baby goats, rode the carousel + looked at animals.

Flashback to me at Grant's Farm in 2000. So crazy!

Benson was ready to wake up and I was not... so Logan took him for 45 minutes before he had to go to school. I woke up and Benson had picked me a flower! So cute and sweet.

Seriously, he is a train wizard! He sets all of these up by himself.

We met Sabrina + Brielle for story time at the libray and then checked out a Farmer's Market. It was so fun!

We stopped by Costco and picked up this splash pad. It is so much bigger than I thought it would be... especially for being $14!

We tried out a new indoor play place called Grandma's playroom. Benson had a good time, but I thought it was strange and felt like a 16 and pregnant reunion.

Trip to the park with the trucks!

Logan's class was getting together at Tower Grove park for the annual food truck Friday. All Benny wanted to do was find a park and PLAY! So that's what we did!

Giving Finn a bath! Stinky doggo

Dip in JT + Jen's pool!

Benson talked Logan into setting up the tent in our basement. I made them a taco bar and brought it down!

Very last minute aquarium trip!

We met Sabrina + Brielle at creation station. We officially used all of our passes!

Trip to a new park! This kid loves tunnels!


We made a big jump in membership and now have unlimited passes! This will be used and abused. :) We spent the rest of the morning exploring more trains, and a trolley ride!

Logan had a very late work day. Benson was so excited to play with him!

Canadian wildfires is making our air soooo dirty!

We tried out the Magic House.... 0/10. So hot, busy, and loud!

We made our first successful pizza on the Otto grill!

Growing up in Pleasant Grove, UT we made many trips to the Orem Krispy Kreme. Benson and I were driving home from the Fenton library and saw the hot doughnut sign was on! I had to stop and show him. We went inside, saw the doughnuts being made and got a 6 pack. Yum! Truly magical to be sharing one of my favorite childhood memories with my baby!

We went and met Logan for lunch! We are in a heat wave and it is SO hot.

We came home and took a long nap!!

Grandma + Grandpa Wooly sent the coolest snowcone machine. As soon as we woke up we made snowcones and had to call and show Grammy!

Tomorrow we have our free family photoshoot. We really dropped the ball with outfits so we are scrambling to put something together. We kept trying things on and laughing because Logan's outfit was not working! I ended up running to Target and TJ Maxx and found some pants!

On the very last day of June.... Benson kept asking for more doughnuts... so of course we had to satisfy the craving!

Back at home, Benson was pretending to go to and work on teeth teeth like his daddy. :)

We had a bunch of back and forth if photos were going to happen... extreme heat, then extreme rain storm... we decided to meet at the studio. We had a wild drive down in a rainstorm but made it! Poor Benny was just not feeling it, he was very sad and shy. Oh well, we tried! As soon as we walked out of the studio... instant smiles!

He wanted to PLAY! So of course we found a park and he was right in his element!

Wow, that was such a busy month! So if you made it this far... good job. :) On to July!