July + August 2020
adjusting to our new normal

July 1 - We kicked July off with a great start! Dinner at Katie's Pizza & Pasta. Our ward emailed us a list of fun places to eat and fun things to do. We have been choosing 1 or 2 things a week and going to do them! It's been a really fun way to try some amazing food. This place WOWED us. We have been looking for something like this for literally years. (not even joking) The pictures don't even do it justice. We ordered, bread for an app, fried artichoke salad, margarita pizza and tiramisu for dessert.

July 2 - We are still sleeping in the guest bedroom. Mostly because it stays super cold!! Our bed covers the one and only vent in our real bedroom & it drives us both nutty. So a little Pinterest search and a trip to Lowes later... I think we might have a solution!

July 4 - I loved the 4th of July as a kid, it was probably one of my favorite holidays! As I get older, it gets more lame, I can't stand the fireworks... Finn can't stand them, Logan can't stand them. So we usually just hunker down. This year Logan has been dying to clean out the gutters with his fancy new blower and put up some gutter guards. So I nervously watched him crawl around the roof. After he was done he told me that wasn't as fun as he thought it was going to be. I just laughed! Did he really think that was going to be fun??

July 5 - We finally get the chance to try King and I Thai. It was pretty good! Benja's is so hard to compete with!!!! We enjoy it outside in Forest Park.

July 6 - Logan starts back to school! I'm so sad! I've loved our time together these past 4 months. But doesn't he look so cute in his new Figs scrubs? He only has school 2 days this week, so that's a plus!!

July 8 - Logan has N95 mask fitting at school and today is the day I am getting a saline ultrasound! I was SO nervous. Getting my IUD in was unbelievably painful so I was bracing for impact. Turns out it wasn't even that bad! I have a "beautiful uterus" and the "best looking uterine lining" they have ever seen. So score!!

July 9 - I have been wanting to put something above our washer and dryer. We had this hanging shelf thing, but Logan accidentally ripped it off the wall and it wasn't that great to begin with! So we went to Ikea, and after 3 trips we finally had all of the stuff to make it happen! I am in LOVE with how it turned out, a super simple transformation.

July 12 - I woke up with a horrible headache! We tried to lay low for a few hours, then we went to the pool, and finished with some Canes! That evening my headache came back full force! I haven't had a migraine like that in years!

July 13 - We took a donut cooking class via Facebook Live! It was seriously sooooo fun. We couldn't believe how well it turned out. This is going to be dangerous that we know how to make these.

July 16 - Working on our T-shirt quilt. It's so fun to look back on all of these memories!

July 18 - Logan gets new glasses and sunnies! He looks so cute. We are pretty sure they were black.... but they came kinda blue? We were laughing! They still look awesome!

We are starting Lovenox tonight. With the hope that I have a fertilized egg, and so this will help it grow! Hot diggity damn those HURT. We hit a vein the first night, hopefully tomorrows is better!
July 19 - We attended church today for the first time in months. It was really great to see our new ward. Lovenox round 2 did not end so well. OUCH! We purchased the best book for recording our love story! It is called "As We Grow". I just happened to have some photos I printed off while we were dating and they are perfect for this!!

July 22 - We try yet another Thai place. One of the better ones we have tried! Pad Thai St. Louis.

July 23 - The faiiinnntest positive pregnancy test. EEK! Sets us for an April 7th due date. Finn taking up literally my entire spot!

July 24 - Pool trip. :) Logan's friend Jake was available to meet us at Ikea to haul our new dining table home! We finally have a real dining table!! :) It transforms this space.

July 26 - We try Coffee & Crepe house. It was pretty good!! Confirmed positive pregnancy test! EEK! Fertile Myrtle.

July 27 - Made the most delicious Berry Tiramisu thanks to King Arthur. So YUM! Called the OB to get my first set of labs draw.

July 28 - Funky Finno cuddles on the couch.

July 30 - Labs all look awesome, scheduled first ultrasound & intralipid therapy treatment for Wednesday, August 5th!
August 1 - Meet the cutest, best shot giver ever. :)

August 5 - First doctors appointment, everything looked great! Completed first intralipid therapies. I'll go back on the 19th. :)

August 6 - Momma Mitzi sent us these awesome masks! Damon had the brilliant idea, ordered some laundry baskets and boom! The best mask ever was invented. Logan looked at me and said I think you need some ice cream. I couldn't argue that.. so off to Ted Drew's we went!

August 9 - We finally got to try out the Crestwood Barn!! Outdoor eating only, but we got the best seat in the house under a covered porch. Super delicious and worth the wait!

August 13 - Chaynee + Chase Dallin moved here from Henefer so he could go to school at SLU for Hospital Management. We had a few fun days hanging out with them and their family. We went to the Zoo and finished the day with some Sauce on the Side, our favorite! :)

August 15 - 5 YEARS!!!

I swear the past 5 years have gone by SO fast! We decided we were going to do the Target date. It's big a fun thing on TikTok we have seen, so we decided to give it a try. We set a budget of $100 per person and a list of 7 things to buy. 1) Favorite Color - Log: Darling Maroon Jacket Syd: Light blue mini waffle iron 2) Favorite Snack Log: White fudge oreos, baked lays + muddy buddies Syd: Baked lays + chocolates3) Favorite Drink Dr. Pepper for both of course :) 4) Something that reminds you of meLog: Favorite pens and a card Syd: Play-dough Dentist5) Something we need for the houseLog: Fan for mosquitos outside Syd: 2 person sleeping bag6) Something to wearLog: Comfy pants and top Syd: Pair of Thieves underwear7) Something to tryLog: Jenga + nipple cream haha Syd: Face masks

This was SO fun! We both went over budget by about $40, but totally worth it. We will do this every year!! We finished the day by going to dinner at Katie's. So fun and so yum! I love you log + and I couldn't imagine life without you!

August 18 - We get our glass top delivered! It looks so good and we are so glad the table is protected.

August 19 - Back to the doctor for our second doctors appointment! Everything looks great.

August 21- We meet Chase & Chaynee for dinner at a new place called Stacked. It was in the hood . :)

August 22 - Logan goes to take Finn for a walk and doesn't take his phone.. about an hour in I'm like where could they be? I decide to go looking for them and I see them coming up the road! Logan thought Grant's trail would connect.. but it didn't! So 3 miles later... Finn just laid there and let Logan run the hose over him!

August 25 - We install a new shower rod! I don't know why we didn't do this sooner. I will always install these from now on! Here's a cute picture of Logan & Noah working together!

August 27 - Last appointment at SIRM. Baby bean looks awesome! They pointed out little arms and legs. Back to Dr. Phillips! :) Look at this cute sign I had made for our baby's room!

August 28 - We tried Broadway Oyster Bar! It was so fun! I got crab, and Log got crawfish enchiladas! We ended with some bread pudding for dessert and YUM!

August 30 - Log is going dove hunting with Dr. Fuszner and some others Monday after school and coming home Tuesday. He is sooo excited! We made two trips to Bass Pro and get him all ready to go.

August 31 - Our drive way gets redone! Yahoo! We have been begging our landlord to do this, and it was one of our requirements of us renting this house. Well it finally happened. :)