JULY 2023
the best month of the year … according to my mom :)

The fourth of July lands on a Tuesday this year, so Logan gets a 4 day weekend! Yahoo!
The massive rainstorms we got produced some impressive puddles and Benson couldn't get enough!

Neither could Finn...

Logan always takes Benson on the weekends so I can get a little extra sleep and recharge. It is soooo appreciated. They went off to feed the ducks and play at the park!

My little contact napper. :)

Our neighbor Noshad turned 3! We went over to his birthday party. Benson loves playing with water!

Another Daddy + Benny date to creation station! I stayed home and got caught up on work and ran a few errands.

After Benny's nap we decided to drive out to St. Charles for their 3 day 4th of July event. It was such a great time! The cutest little riverfront town. We will be back for sure.

We swung by Bass Pro on our way home and got Benson his very own Jeep. He has been obsessed with Jeeps lately and he was more than excited!

The Jeep has already got a lot of play time!
Logan, SuperMan again, spent his 4th of July morning at creation station so I could have some alone time after a rough night. :)

While the boys were gone, I made a pumpkin cake and relaxed!

Later that day Benson and I went to walmart to get an ice cream machine. Of course we had to check out this awesome Jeep!

We went over to Carter + Sabrina's house for dinner and had a great time!

Every year I forget how MISERABLE fireworks are. Finn turns into a hot mess and the entire time I am hoping Benson stays asleep. Next year I will find a cabin in BFE and get the hell out of town.
The next morning we were up early playing at the park with the new jeep!

We came home and Benson was wanting more cookies... so of course we had to make some of those!

Finn has been puking and avoiding his food. We are worried he ate some raisins. AH! I feel like it might be from his extreme firework anxiety.

The next day we met Sabrina + Brielle at the train museum. We had a great time!

I'll never turn down a nap like this. :)

Oh Benny loves his doggo, Finnnnnn.

Wild man jumping while I put away laundry. :)

We went on a long walk and picked up Finn some doggo bones. Ugh! You're so cute Benny.

Benson found a picture of him with all of his friends back in January and wanted to recreate it.

Finally Saturday! We went to Russell's for breakfast and ate this delicious strawberry cake!

After breakfast we went to Costco. Benson has been obsessed with firetrucks and so of course we had to get him this outfit! He could hardly wait to get home and try it on.

Prepare yourself for the cutest pics ever!

And even a trip to the park!

We never turn down a chance to hang at our second home ;)

We found a cute lake and park!

Daddy + Benny park trip!

The cutest bath tub boy ever!

Very good. Resulted in a massive headache haha

We made cookies and then went and followed the trash truck.

Trip to the aquarium

Meat Meat Papa made Benson the coolest 3D printed toys!

We mowed the lawn and Benson loved helping Logan. It was so cute! While he left blowed we hung out in the car. I swear he looks 5!

Benson, how do you feel about spending all day everyday together?

Cake pops and a drive out to Purina Farms to meet Sabrina + Brielle! It was such a cute place and it was so fun!! The dog show was awesome!

Back home to nap! Later on we shaved Finn's belly, went to the farmers market, and got a blondie!

Creation station! New Firetruck from Target!

Have yoy seen a cuter fireman?!

You already know what's going on here... :) Choo Choo Trolley Train!

We have a busy few weeks coming up, and a lot of time apart. Logan sent me this text...

Best husband ever! I packed my bags and took off once Logan got home from work. I really didn't know what to do with myself! I ordered door dash, sewed, scrolled on my phone and relaxed!

The boys stayed very very busy while I was gone! :)

We were reunited the next day. We went to the Farmer's market and took a long nap!

Sunday we took Logan out to Purina Farms! We had a great time and tried a cute local place for lunch.

Trains, Costco trip, Meat Meat + a hair cut!

Very sad Benny when dad left to work on teeth teeth.

Creation Station with a surprise visitor!!!! AHHHH

Trip to Bass Pro! Of course we need another toy.

We saw an Oberweis delivery truck drive by our house and Benson was on the hunt for a white truck. Off we went to try and find a white truck! Target, McDonald's, Krispy Kreme, + Lone Elk Park! Ohhh and a flip daddy.

Logan has GORP this weekend, an orthodontic rave lol. His class shirt. LOL. (His program director's name is Dr. Kim)

Logan had Thursday morning off because of GORP so the boys went off to the park!

Logan went off to GORP and for the next few days it was going to be just Benny + I!
I invited all of the wives over for dinner and ordered some pizza. We were originally going to hold it at the park... but the humidity was 96%! Yikes! So I offered to host it at my house. It was fun to get to know more people.

Benny didn't want to go to bed... so we partied until nearly 11!

Meanwhile..... haha!

Of course.... Trolley time!

Meanwhile, Logan was off hosting the golf day!

I went to Sam's Club after to kill some time and saw this for $143. I didn't get it and then regretted it once I got home. Sooo of course I had to go back and get it. We had so much fun! All of the couches are moved to the dining room! Haha

Big bear hug when dad got home!