January 2023
welcoming 2023 + turning 26!

I love January because it is my birthday month! I love birthdays, I think it's so fun and important to celebrate them.
We kicked off the new year soaking up some rays, playing with snapchat filters, and snacking!

Before we knew it, it was Tuesday and Logan was back to work! Benson woke up looking for Daddy and was soooo sad. We decided a trip to the aquarium would be a good activity!

Logan had a break in patients so we picked him up and went and got lunch! While waiting for Sauce on the Side to open we saw there was a donut shop so we tried that out. Sooo good!

Back at home we soaked up some amazing weather!!

Logan's friend, Stafford recommended this rice cooker - 10/10. The best rice!

Aunt Lizzie sent a Meme (kitty) for Benson. He is so excited to add it to his collection!

No lack of snuggles around here. :)

We decided to buzz Benson's hair again. It's out of control and he loses his mind when we try and wash it. It was very traumatic holding him down to cut it... but it's done! He looks so cute and I think he loves it!

Posing with his friends. :)

Logan's class ordered patagucci (Patagonia) jackets with their names and SLU ortho. They arrived and it looks so good!

Benny and I took a trip to Costco! He loves rotisserie chicken and could hardly wait to get home and have some! Logan + Grandpa DJ are very proud!

The loupes Logan got in dental school had his old eye prescription and so we needed a new pair! They finally came today and they are sooo nice!

We hung up our new pictures! I love these collage prints from MPix.

Snuggles with MeMe... and the rest of the friends. :)

Logan's creeper vibe lol

We LOVE weekends with Daddy home.

Another week of Mom + Ben!

I am in the process of getting the homes Logan + I lived in drawn. I decided to start out with our Kirksville home and I love how it turned out!

Cinnamon rolls are one of my favorites! This recipe is unmatched!

Logan and Benny eat some rack of lamb. You can only imagine how my house smelt!

My friend, Lynda from Kirksville asked to come and visit. I have been wanting to see her again for years. She was a huge piece of my Kirksville experience. We got a new bed set for her visit!

I've needed a filling done for years... Logan's classmate's wife is a dentist here so I finally went and got it done! I forgot how annoying it is to be numb!

Family trip to the aquarium!

Oh I love this little boy!

Lynda came! We went to dinner, and spent the morning catching up. It was so fun to see her!

This is a daily occurrence, being buried by all of the animal friends!

This is also a daily occurrence... being a monkey and expressive faces!

Totally disgusting - I went and got a pedicure before I had Benson and I ended up with a cluster of warts. No joke. So nasty. We finally got them all removed. Logan is checking things out and Benson is helping with his little plastic tweezers. LOL!

It has been so cold and miserable here. Last year, Benson was still too little to notice or have to go to wild lengths to entertain. This year is much different and we are going crazy some days! Grandma Mitzi got us a hotel room for the night and off we went! We had a great time swimming, running around and shopping!

The party never slows down here!

It was finally my birthday! #26. Logan ordered me our favorite cake from Russell's and booked me the day at the Four Seasons Spa. I was so excited!
The spa was incredible. I had an 80 minute full body massage and then enjoyed their ammenities! The steam room was my favorite. It was such a beautiful facility and so clean! I can't wait to book another time to go back.
I came home to some Peel for dinner and some yummy treats. It was a perfect day!

More days playing together. :)

My mom sent me some flowers and chocolate dipped strawberries. JT and Jen brought me my favorite donuts... and Benny and I grabbed some canes!

Benny got some new cute jammies.

I woke up in the night and couldn't find Benson. I was panicking! He rolled off to Logan's bed.. Haha!

My sisters set me up a nail appointment and lunch for my birthday. I had a great time and the boys enjoyed playing outside!

Some good last moments of January.

^^ YAY for some new storage in our kitchen!