I shit you not
the rona + the zinc

The day after Josh + Liz left, Logan started feeling sick. Typical cold. We laid low for a few days, I didn't have it, Benny didn't have it.... we were doing good!

Logan's cold turned into a terrible sore throat. Early one morning I found him crunched over the humidifier at trying to get any relief. I felt so bad for him! We had door dash bring some medicines and tried to survive. A few days later I started feeling sick... more cold symptoms. Thankfully my throat doesn't get as sore since I only have slightly regrown tonsils after two tonsillectomies. Benny was still doing good! Cutting some teeth... but no sickness.

Dec 31 Logan gets an email from his school saying ANY cold, flu, COVID symptoms must be reported. It was pretty obvious he was sick.... so he sent off an email saying he was sick and would likely be gone Monday + Tuesday. They respond saying he must get tested. Wellll if anybody has tried to get a test via Walgreens or CVS they are all booked out for a week. Someone realizes they can test him Monday so off he went to get tested.
We joked that it would be awesome if he was positive so we could have another week off! Sure enough that night he gets a phone call that he is positive! Another week off ... YES! I was just imagining all of the cleaning and organizing we could get done! I was starting to feel a little bit sick... but thought it would be fine! I'm tough :)
Logan is a little crazy when it comes to immunity. He always has a box of Emergen-C and drinks a pouch regularly. He sprung into action and asked me to order some zinc tablets. He buys immunity gummies and starts pumping those into both of us.

The Zinc arrives and we both take a dose. As the day goes on I am feeling worse and worse. Intense nausea.... diarrhea.... headaches.... stomach pains.... it feels like the flu! It then fades and my congestion and fatigue is all that's left.

The next day I don't take any zinc, but I do take a prenatal vitamin and a bunch of gummies. I feel terrible! At multiple points I think, I wonder if I am dying.
The following day Logan asks if I want a zinc pill.... I say no and he leaves it out on the counter. A few hours later I see the pill and take it.
A couple hours go by, I'm sitting in our recliner with a sleeping Benny. An intense wave of nausea slams me. I can barely keep my eyes open! I ask for a bowl to puke in... nothing comes... intense sweating, mouth watering... I really might be dying.
Logan takes Benson and I go lay down in our bed... to be met with the feeling of oh shit.... as I run to the toilet. What is going on!! The thought crosses my mind if I am consuming too much Zinc.... so I give it a quick google search. Oh my 1000% .... we are zinc overdosing. Logan looks it over and totally agrees. He feels sooo bad!
A few days of detoxing zinc... and it was like instant healing. This will go down as one of our biggest fails. :)