Halloween 2024
last Halloween party on clover lane

We decided to do the Saran Wrap game for our Halloween party. Sabrina and I both got things for it, and it will be a funny! Including these glow in the dark condoms, haha!

My parents drove up for the party and to help take apart the long arm, sooo appreciated!

Logan took off dressed as a minion, and it was so perfect! The whole school dresses up and it is really fun!

Back at home we got ready for the party! We made homemade rootbeer, yum!

Benson needed a cat nap before the fun began!

He decided he didn’t want to be an army man, but a ninja turtle. So that’s what he was!

We had the best time with all of our friends. For the first time I feel like we have a friend group we really fit into and I have loved it!

Matching Halloween PJs!