I’ve got friends in low places….

The man. The myth. The legend. Love for Garth runs deep with the Jones girls. I've watched his documentary on Netflix probably 5 times, and each time I fall more in love with him.
My mom sent me a text at the end of March wondering if I would want to leave Benny for 24 hours to go see Garth! I haven't left him at all... but this would be a really good reason to. :) Logan was insistent on me going... so I booked a ticket and got working to pump some milk for my time away.

Maddy bedazzled a hat for a party she went to and we tried to recruit her to do it for us too! She said hell no. So my sweet mom volunteered, and she did an amazing job! I started looking for some cowgirl boots and I came across some from Steve Madden - they were pink and screamed Sydney! They were on backorder and should be getting into stock a few days before the concert. I paid for overnight shipping and crossed my fingers they would arrive.
Maddy was here the first week of April to get some dental work done and I got an email saying the shoes were shipped! I was so excited. They finally arrived, I opened the package to find.......

What the hell! Claudia! WHY! I was so disappointed. I called Customer Service and they sent me a new pair. I was hoping they would arrive in time....
The next day FedEx pulled up and somehow drop off the boots! I ended up getting the second pair a few days later and sent them back. I found a very sparkly dress from Saks Fifth Ave on mega sale, score! I was ready to go and sing my brains out.

It was finally time for the concert! I got up early Saturday morning, got ready, pumped and kissed my boys goodbye. I cut it a little close and boarded almost immediately after getting through security. It was a quick 41 minute peaceful flight.

The party bus picked me up and we went to grab some breakfast. Lizzie flew in the night before, and Maddy was coming in later that afternoon. We had some amazing pastries, donuts and juice!

We went back to the hotel and hung out before going to get Maddy. Once she arrived we started getting ready! We had an Uber pick us up and headed towards downtown Nashville to see some sights before our 4:15 dinner reservation.

We ate dinner at Emmy Squared Gulch. It was delicious!! My new life includes an occasional alcoholic beverage - breastfeeding doesn't allow me to drink more than a sip so it was fun to order and drink all of it! Pump + dump baby.

Starbucks was around the corner so we went there to get a drink and a treat. I've never been away from Benny like this so the whole pumping thing was new territory. I've pumped here and there when he was a little baby so I could have a small break but nothing like this! Thank goodness for Elvie pumps. I bought these last July and the price tag of $500 almost killed me... but they were worth it for this trip alone! It was incredibly painful to dump all of this milk down the drain.

We were off to the concert! Another Uber picked us up and the traffic was INSANE! We finally got dropped off and made our way to our seats. Everybody loved our hats. The weather was perfect!
I don't even have words for how amazing the concert was. Chris Young, Chase Rice, Lauren Alaina, Trisha Yearwood + The Grand Old Opry opened. I felt so emotional being with people again... no masks, no vaccine proof... just a bunch of country music folks singing their brains out. It was such an incredible experience to share it with my sisters + parents.
For 3 full hours Garth put on a spectacular show. I don't know how it does it... but he is incredible!!! A once in a lifetime experience. I am so thankful to have been able to step away for a moment and be just Sydney.

The concert ended and somehow DJ worked a miracle and guided us out to an Uber who took us back to the hotel. My feet were KILLING ... definitely not the time to break in new boots but worth it. :)
We all early flights out - another quick 50 minute flight and I was back home! I sure missed my boys.... it was so nice to have my nurser back. The pumping life is not for me. :)