Benny turns 3!
Benny Carter - the firefighter finally turns 3!

The last 6 months Ben has stated his age as “Two, almost Three”, following up with “I want a firetruck party.”
As soon as January hit I had everything ordered for a Fireman party! I scheduled his 3 year old photoshoot and could hardly wait.
The pictures turned out incredible as always! This is something I look forward to every year. The amount of growth that happens from year to year is unbelievable.

I just have to share them all. :)

Back to the party…

We lucked out with Lizzie, Grammy + Papa being able to come! Yay!
Lizzie was sooo much help getting everything ready for the party. She’s a pro at balloon arches and cake decorating, I put her right to work!

We put finishing touches on before our friends came over! We catered chick Fila chicken mini’s and some other “firefighter” snacks. It turned out so cute!

We had so much fun having friends over, opening presents, doing a piñata and visiting. We are so lucky to have such great friends here!

March 20th
We woke up to donuts + presents! Benson was convinced Santa had came. It’s fun to watch him understand and be excited about his birthday this year!

Ben + I met Sabrina and Brielle at a trampoline park for the morning. We had a blast and boy was it a workout crawling around in that foam pit.

We met Docta Carta for lunch!

Benson requested Chick Fil A for dinner. We picked it up and ate it at the duck pond. We played at the park there and had a great (cold) evening!

Cute interview questions with my 3 year old!

Time FLIES! We love you Firefighter Ben!!