February 2022
last month before Benny turns 1!

February 1st is my dad's birthday. This year he would be 48 - weird right? He's stuck at 42 in my brain. We went to Andy's and got some ice cream to celebrate him.

Benson fell asleep on our walk today with this strainer in his hand - I thought it was hilarious!

The Truman Show is often referenced when leaving the church - and the similarity to realizing you've been in a bubble ... lied to. We recently watched the movie and I bawled like a baby. I got this sticker of the staircase at the end of the movie. There is always more, sometimes it requires you to be brave and exit your current world.

More snow!

We started on a few home reno projects you can read about here:

The only wine I have found that is actually good!

I can't believe this dude turns 1 next month!

I am so glad I get to spend every day with this cutie!

For Valentine's Day we decided Logan would pick up some Antonino's on his way home. I played the order online and I ordered myself a pizza. I tried looking for pepperoni's but only saw pepperoncini's and thought that was probably close enough.
Well - if you are more educated than me, you probably know they are NOT even close to the same thing. When Logan went to grab the pizza they said they made a mistake and did a pepperoni pizza... not pepperoncini's. I lucked out!!!

We love with Logan ditches school to hang out with us!

The cap and gown came for graduation! This beautiful gown was $75.... :)

You are perfect, Benny!

I'll be the first to admit that staying fit while pregnant wasn't my first priority. I was so consumed with fear I didn't care what I looked like at the end of it - I just wanted a baby. Well, turns out postpartum is an ass kicker and I did care what I looked like.
It killed me to buy clothes in bigger sizes + not feel like myself. I felt like once January rolled around I was able to really get moving and the weight started falling off. I was so relieved. These overalls were TIGHT at Halloween. I ordered a size large and was mortified. It was very rewarding to try them on and have so much space! Enough space to fit a child!

Sink baths + cheesy smiles!

Making sugar cookies + snuggling by our new fireplace!

More treats + homemade chicken noodle soup!

This hair man...

Wrapping up February with some more baking + doggo snuggles!