February 2021
last month before it’s baby month!

It's going to be a very busy month! I laid out our calendar before I went to Florida!

Hungry Howies is my fav! My mom just happens to have one... it was incredible! This view from our beach house rental is also incredible.

We went shopping, purchased a new mirror and a new sweat outfit for me!

I had the best time in Florida and Damon captured some maternity pics on the beach for me! I feel so lucky that I was able to come and enjoy their new home with them.

I flew home to Logan and brought him some of DJ's famous bread!

We are in full on nesting mode! Organizing, cleaning, and practically living at the hospital!

We had some maternity pictures taken in the freezing cold at Forest Park.

In the middle of January I was picking us up some lunch and my phone started ringing with a call from my OB's office.
At 32 weeks my appointments would change from once a week to twice a week. These appointments would have a NST (non-stress test) and an ultrasound to check my anniotic fluid levels.
Lupus pregnancies are so complex. The placenta ages rapidly near the end and risk for stillbirth is so high.
She was giving me some more instructions from my MFM doc, and mentioned that because of the high monitoring I needed to be ready to have this baby any time after 34 weeks.
I don't know why this caught me so off guard, but I immediately started crying. I think more than anything I feel so relieved that I am being taken care of and watched so closely. I came home and told Logan and he had a very similar reaction. It's really happening, we are really getting a baby this time!

I really have been enjoying these appointments. Logan tags along when he can and it's always nice to have some company.

I decided to book us a little hotel getaway as our last adventure together before the baby comes! We went and stayed in Chesterfield at the DoubleTree. There was a dance competition going on and it was so busy!

We tried a new place called Bishop's Post and it was incredible! We will most definitely be back.

Back at the hotel we tossed and turned all night. My back was killing me and my nose was stuffy. At 3:30 am we decided to just go home.

We've been going back and forth about getting a new dyson vaccum. (Logan - No, Sydney - Yes) Our other vaccum has seen better days, we actually bought it before we got married. It's had a good 6 year run with much use. I finally won and we got it. Logan was shocked how much better it worked!

Last final touches getting the house cleaned and the nursery set up. We are ready for you Benny!

Ending February with another trip to Bishop's Post. Yum!