December 2023
Grammy comes to visit, Branson, Christmas and no teeth teeth :)

More and more presents show up by the moment! Benson knows everything comes from the mail man or PPP (UPS) … not Santa. Haha!

Seriously, it does not get any cuter!

My favorite little hand to hold.

Yes! He is my child!

We met Logan for lunch and went to the Rooster for brunch. Delish!

Choo Choo Play!

More gifts…. :)

Another adventure with Sabrina + Brielle!

We had a Christmas Party at the Maughan’s. Totally slacked on pictures again… but Ben won LCR and was killing us with how funny he was being!

Kinley sent some Christmas gifts and inside one was a mini Hot dog (Mickey mouse). Benson died with excitement!


Logan attended graduation. I can’t’t believe it’s going to be us next year!
Guess who’s in town!!!


Logan + I snuck off to the Four Seasons for a spa day. Ah! It was sooo nice!

Benson was having the time of his life back at home!

We spent the evening working on Benson’s Christmas present, a toy kitchen, playing dress up and a trip to the park.

Our first stop of the morning was the aquarium! It’s so fun to show Grammy all of our usual stops.

More packages arriving!! Presents from G+G Wooly!

I saw the Bass Pro out in St. Charles had an evening reservation for a picture with Santa. Based off the website it seemed like reservations were required and strictly enforced. It was later than I wanted it to be, 7:45pm but I booked it anyways. We couldn’t decide if we actually wanted to make the drive out there but once Benson caught on that we could go see Santa there was no choice but to go. We made the 30 minute drive out there… just to have our little friend fast asleep by the time we arrived. :)
We had some time to kill so we got some Firehouse subs. Thankfully Benny cat woke up right before our reservation, happy and ready to meet Santa!

Of course trying out all of the toys. :)

We could not be more excited for our new water cooler!

We spent most of the day at home playing and quilting. We ran a few errands to Hobby Lobby for some fabric and met up with Logan at Russell’s for dinner. Yum!


More presents!! Go Utes!

Grammy surprised Ben with matching jammies!

Hot dog train!! The presents are never ending :)

We made a trip to Costco, Target and Hobby Lobby!
Benson talked Grammy into an excavator.

Trip to the park.

Some fun in the basement while we quilted! Haha!

Around 10:30 Benson was telling me to “make dinna” he inhaled a plate of buttered noodles! This kid has the craziest metabolism.

We took Grammy to see where Logan spends his days! They are working on updating the lights… we have no idea what that could mean so we are excited to see what it looks like! Snapped a before pic.

We spent the rest of the day quilting and playing! I can’t believe our time together is nearly over. :(

We woke up and before we knew it was time to go to the airport! I drove my mom and dropped her off. Always goes by too fast!!

Monday we took off to Branson!

We came home to a lot of packages! Benson is going to be really disappointed when this ends.

JT and Jen invited us over for Christmas Day dinner. A few days before Jen texted me asking if they could get Benson a Christmas present. Of course I said yes, but was shocked by our text exchange!

We spent Christmas Eve napping, making cinnamon rolls, and Log and Ben went to see the horses at Grant’s Farm.

After Ben went to sleep and Log and I stayed up to put his kitchen together. It felt so funny being on the other side of Christmas playing the parent role.

Christmas morning was magical :) Life is so good!

We went over to JT + Jen’s to get the jeep before dinner. He is so spoiled!

Rolls were baked and we had a wonderful dinner!

We spent the rest of the night snuggling, and playing.

The next afternoon I was home alone laying in our guest bed when I heard a giant crash. I thought for sure something in our house or basement had tipped over. I checked the entire house and couldn’t see anything. It was so strange!
The next day Logan and Ben were looking out the window when they discovered what the noise was… Benson‘s response was “What the F***K.” Oops.

Logan has wanted to chop this tree down with a chain saw MANY times… to which I have said NO. Thank goodness because the entire tree was hollow!
We took a field trip back to SLU to see if the Lights were done and so Logan could get his laptop. Spaceship!
Log and Ben went to check out a trampoline park while I slept in. They had a blast!
Logan’s parents give us a Costco gift card for Christmas and we decided to go do a little shopping! Bean bag for the basement, $14 coat for me, and another living room furniture piece. So fun!

Ben being cute as ever.

Trip to the park!

Ringing in the New Year! Homemade pretzels, strawberry ice cream and a little bubbly :)