December 2022
a wonderful month full of family time + soooo many presents :)

I really can't even believe this is the last month of 2022. It has flown! I'm in denial Benson will turn 2 in just a few short months.

This kid has had Christmas presents showing up nonstop! We've opted to open most of them and he has been loving it. Aunt Katie sent this awesome Teepee!

Cute little cheese bucket in the stroller.

We have been meaning to go to the zoo for a while now. It is free, and massive! We even drove there once just to have Benson fall asleep and we couldn't justify waking him up, so we drove home. Today we finally went! It was a little chilly, and some animals weren't out ..but it wasn't busy so it was perfect!

We got some ice cream on the way home and Benny fell right asleep!

My type of "self care" these days is organizing things. A Target delivery made my night and my cabinet looks much better!

We made some pumpkin bread, went on a walk, and jammed out to Cuban Pete with some maracas Grandma sent Benny!

Roller coaster rides, whoppie pies, and trips to the park! Very busy Monday.

It's no question that motherhood is hard. Some days it's especially hard. I feel super isolated at times - it's really just Logan + I. So, I've been trying to make more efforts to leave the house, and break up the day. Today we went to the aquarium! Benson loved it. It wasn't busy at all, and I didn't feel anxious like I was worried I would.

Logan's 10 am patient rescheduled so we went and met him for a little treat!

What a good day :)

Another day out on the town! We met our neighbor Anne, and her grandson Noshad at the Department of Transportation Museum. They offer a kids corner where they can go play for 45 minutes. Benson had a great time and loved these funny little people!

Benny sure loves being outside!

Our glass topper of our table broke tonight! I am so sad and we have no idea how to get rid of it... stay tuned!

Ending the night with another Christmas present. :)

He is all boy!

A few months ago our dryer started making a terrible noise. We were pretty sure a piece of metal from a drawstring aglet broke off and was rubbing against the drum. We looked up a YouTube video of how to take the dryer apart and maybe check it out... we quickly decided to just schedule a repair man.
$170 later... we were right! Here's the culprit.

Look at this outfit Benson demanded to wear on our walk today. LOL

Not sure if I have ever seen this kid just lay still like this... :)

We made a last minute booking to see the lights at Grant's Farm. We did this last year with Liz + Josh, and everyone but me was a little happy so I ended up driving and breastfeeding the entire time. I wasn't thrilled.

This year was MUCH more enjoyable. Benson is at such a fun age. He loves the lights and loves not being in his car seat even more. ;)

Benson has discovered how much he likes hanging out with Logan and is constantly yelling or looking for "Daddy!".

Teething has been rough lately and we started the day at 5 am. Benson has discovered how to unwrap presents so we let him unwrap and open anything he wanted. Pick your battles. ;)
Happy Early Christmas! Yes, he has about 3 layers of new summer clothing on. :)

It's the start of our last week before Christmas break! Nothing like some post nap snuggles with Daddy.

Benson and I woke up Monday morning and took off to Costco. As we were going to check out he spotted some dog toys and decided he could not live without this pig. Meet Wilbur.

Trip to the park! I swear he gets cuter by the minute!

When the railing was put on our front porch in 2020 - it didn't include the side... I have no idea why. We've had a few close calls with Benson falling off so we asked to have it put on. They agreed to look into it but we didn't hear anything else.
Long story short - this guy came to do the railing, and it was quite the mess. Spray painted railing... Every day Logan would come home I would have more of the story to tell him and we laughed and rolled our eyes! It's in... just don't look to close. ;)

Getting a ride from Wilbur and napping with Mom.

Making dinner and a new stuffed animal from Logan's parents!

Just like that! The semester is over! Logan did an amazing job as always. We celebrated with a trip to Russell's.

Teething man. Story of our lives! We decided to go get smoothies for breakfast and Benny was a fan!

So many emotions in one tiny body.

A long nap, and a little longer nap with snuggles from mom and dad. He woke up jazzed!

Nothing like unloading some tampons and maxipads. I did something very similar as a child... :)

Benson loves going outside! He doesn't let the 13° deter him.

More Sunday night fun. :)

We went to MOD Pizza for dinner and Benson was LOVING the toppings on Logan's pizza. It still shocks me how well he eats.

More Christmas gifts from great grandparents! We love taking polaroid pictures.

Cute hat from aunt Wendy. :)

Oh this WILD, WILD, Hair!

My new fav pic.

How cute and funny is this? An old Halloween costume of mine. My mom made all three of us girls matching Utah cheerleading uniforms. We even went to the Target photo studio and got pictures taken in them.

Lasik time! The procedure was taking place in Chesterfield, about 25 minutes away, and at 8:30 an. I decided to get a little staycation out of it and booked us a hotel for the night before. We grabbed some Culver's and headed to the hotel!

We tried to go to the mall... to find it literally shut down! So we opted for Barnes and Nobel and the Alpine Shop. Logan spoiled me with a nee Northface Jacket and some Sorels!!

G + G Wooly gave us a giftcard to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. We got it to go and it was sooo good! Benny could do laps in the wagon alll night!

Last pics of my glasses wearing husband!

The next morning we got up and dropped Logan off! This was a huge part of getting the hotel - so Benny and I had somewhere to hang out while he was under the laser! We did a few wagon laps, played outside, packed up, got donuts and went over to wait for Logan!

We spent the rest of the day napping and recovering! A storm is blowing in and it is sure cold!

I finally got to see where Logan spents all of his days! He is on call and needed to pick up the phone. Benson loved the clinic.

Puppy snuggles, sexy glasses, Christmas prep!

We ate our usual Christmas Eve dinner... steak and crab legs. I'd give it a 4/10 this year.

More Christmas Eve fun!

Christmas Day was perfect! I love, love, love being able to do our own thing. Benny loved all of his presents and was so busy playing all day long!

Christmas Day walk! Very, very chilly!

The day after Christmas we relaxed, and went to Costco! Logan got a rotisserie chicken and Benson demanded to eat it as soon as we got in the car. So that's what they did!

Logan had a braces emergency... so back to the clinic we went!

We packed up Christmas! Went to the park and Finny went to the groomers!

Can't. Stop. Laughing.

Someone is really loving having their daddy home!

Wagon ride with Walter the puppy.

New Years Eve trip to Target! He found this case of red bull and we were laughing so hard.

He came home and fell right asleep! ... but not for long. :)

We all went to sleep long before midnight. Logan + I both woke up with fireworks going off like crazy. We both hate them!
2022 •
A year that was a giant breath of fresh air.
A year that had so many dreams become realities.
A year of reprogramming our thoughts, actions, + feelings.
A year consumed with learning all we could about Mormonism.
And last but never least, a remarkable year with my favorite boys.
I feel so lucky to be living my dream life. I feel so lucky for the ability to change, learn, and grow. 🤍
Here is to 2023!