December 2020
A visit from my parents, baby gear + a trip to Memphis!

My mom and Damon had a quick 2 day trip through St. Louis planned. Bad weather and missed connections almost ruined the entire thing. Thankfully we were still able to see them for a quick 24 hours!
Of course we had to stop at Sauce on the Side for dinner.

The next day I had my weekly ultrasound. I was so excited that my mom could come, see the baby and see what I do every week! We got some great pictures of Benny!

We put together some Christmas gifts and checked out some lights. This house was crazy!

The baby is poppin'! Another ultrasound :)

All of our baby stuff arrived! We were SO excited and can't wait to use it all.

Finny Finny

Growing baby!

Big 24 week scan! I was so anxious to do this scan, especially all by myself. We had been checking his heart every week, but this was the big echo. It all looked perfect! I met up with Logan to celebrate with brunch.

Working on a quilt for the babe!

More playing with our baby gear. We ordered most of our gear on Black Friday sales. Somehow we lucked out with the newest version of the Tavo stroller even though we had ordered the older one. Score!

My parents bought a new house in Florida! Ah!

Christmas braces… haha. He did not pick these 😂

My favorite thing, Christmas cards!

Grow, Grow, Grow!

We had a great Christmas just our little family. Usual crab and steak for Christmas Eve. :)

We took a trip to Memphis, TN as a little babymoon. It was about a 4 hour drive and we listen to Matthew McConaughey’s “Green Light”. I found an AirBnB and it had SuperHost status and looked great!
We stopped at Lambert’s in Sikeston and it was an experience! Very Missourian!

We arrived at our AirBnB and it was not what we thought. It smelt like dog and the walls, kitchen, drawers were beat to hell. Ugh. Nothing is more frustrating! We tried to relax… but we quickly found out it was near a train station and we had airplanes flying over all night. :(

We woke up and tried to get out of the house and so some sight seeing. We had breakfast at Peabody hotel and watched the duck show. Kind of disappointing.

Covid has still shut down a lot of things. We did manage to tour Sun studios and that was neat!

The pillows and towels at our AirBnB were bad so we swung by Target to get some new ones. As soon as we walked back in the house and smelt that familiar PetCo smell, I wanted to leave. I had been given a candle for Christmas that happened to be in the car. I grabbed and lit it while we tried to decide what to do. Another night here sounded like torture.

Absolutely nothing sounded good for lunch. My heartburn was raging and Logan wasn’t feeling like BBQ. We opted for some green juice!

We decided to message our hosts and tell them we couldn’t do a second night. I booked a hotel and thankfully they refunded us our second night. Ahhh! Much better. The only good part was this pizza. The next day we drove home.
Finn wrapping up 2020 with a trip to the groomer. Bring on 2021!