D2 Year 2019 - 2020
year two of dental school

July -
Our trip to Utah ended, and our route home would be on I-70. We headed up to Summit County to visit some family before heading to Evanston for the night. I finally got to meet Kruz!! The next day we drove all the way home... 18 hours. It was hell. But we did it!

We made it back from Utah a week before Logan started back to school. We came home to a garden full of goodies, babysat some ward member's kids, picked blueberries, and did a lot more sewing.

August -
In a really awkward twist of events, my job at the hotel was ended and nobody thought to let me know. This was incredibly awkward because my boss was in our bishopric. I ended up taking another job with ATSU at their school gym so it worked out that I already had something else lined up.
I've mentioned this in other posts but from July - September I ended up having a severe reaction to methotrexate that I was on for joint pain. I had a horrible dry cough that was constant. My entire chest was covered in little bruises from coughing so hard... and nobody would help. Dr. Google has saved the day many times for me.
After my lungs settled down, this fall semester was our favorite phase of school life. I worked MWF at the gym while Logan was at school, and I made friends that finally provided me with a support network that I desperately needed. I was able to have conversations about religion and my current feelings with my friend Lynda that I had never had before. This was such a helpful and necessary foundation for what was coming next for us.
We were deconstructing religion hard at this point. Not really talking about it much, but we had stopped going and interacting with anyone in our ward. It was incredibly painful to yet again be the ward project. We got our Sundays back and I loved feeling like we actually had another day to enjoy together.

September -
We planned a trip to go and visit Spencer + Laura! They were a quick 4 or so hour train ride away and we were looking forward to visiting with them. We had a great time and enjoyed seeing Chicago!

We built fires, I worked some extra shifts and Logan would tag along... we seriously just enjoyed life. It was pretty perfect. :)

Okay almost perfect anyways -
My brother's got Logan hooked on this pre-workout called Ladder. I tried taking a small sip and I felt pins and needles for HOURS! One afternoon I was working at the TCC and Logan was done with school early and was going to get in a workout before my shift ended. He came and worked out hard on the stair climber and bench press. As I was packing up my stuff he was leaning over the counter and sweating all over the papers on it, I remember thinking what is he doing? He moved and came and leaned up on the desk next to me.
The next thing I knew my friend Lynda was saying "Logan, Logan? Logan? Dan help!" I turned around to see Logan collapsing to the ground. I could not figure out what was going on, but he was not responsive. Dan quickly laid him down and started pumping his legs. This went on forever! I was scared to death, and finally, he started to come to, after we almost took him across the street to the ER!!
He literally said, Oh I can see again. WHAT!? His hands and feet were so tingly, and we finally got him up and moving. As we were walking out to the car he was like "that was weird, I was only gone for a few minutes right?" I looked at him and said "45 MINUTES! YOU WERE OUT COLD FOR 45 MINUTES OF LEG PUMPING!!!"
Needless to say, chugging pre-workout on an empty stomach and going ham at the gym did not end well... and the remaining pre-workout was given back to my brothers at the next family reunion. :)
October -
Unfortunately, bodies really remember and hold on to trauma. It's almost like clockwork when October rolls around... my body just gives up.
To make things even more tricky it's Logan's birthday the day before my dad's accident... so I really try and make up for it in other ways. This year I gave him the 5 senses gift and planned a trip to Kansas City!

On the day of Logan's actual birthday, we went to Apple Basket, one of our favorites in Macon. The tree in our backyard was covered in bugs... so we wanted it removed. Logan removed part of our wood fence so they could remove the tree... we came home to the entire post chopped off... I lost my MIND! We were supposed to leave to KC the next day and now our yard isn't fenced in. We were able to patch it... but it looked ghetto the remaining time we lived there. :(

In Kansas City, we ate at a fun BBQ place called Q39 and stayed in the hotel room watching Live PD. It was a nice little escape from life!

My parents came to visit and we had literally the best time ever. We baked, sewed, watched polygamist shows... and even talked my mom to stay an entire week longer. It was a ridiculous amount of fun!

November -
My mom went home and we got back to regular life. We had some friends move to Kirksville that we knew from St. George and they invited us to their thanksgiving. It was a really fun time and a friendship we were really thankful for.
We purchased a few Christmas decorations from Hobby Lobby and Logan took the Glock out for some shooting practice. :)

December -
We started off the month with a trip to St. Louis to meet with my MFM and made plans to get ready to have a baby. Such a fun, naive time in life. I wish I could go back and live that for just a moment sometimes.

Logan goes on a hunting trip with Nate and boy do they have some funny stories from it! Yes, that is in his car trunk lol.

The gym is closed for Christmas break but I have a key. We spend most evenings going over there and walking on the treadmill in the dark watching HGTV. On Christmas Eve we have crab legs and enjoy opening gifts from each other. We also have to keep an eye on Logan's research project.

We make a few more trip to Columbia over the break and get ready to start another semester and ring in 2020!

January -
One of Logan's gifts was a pheasant hunting trip in BFE Missouri. We had a great time together.

I take my very first pregnancy test Jan 6 before Logan goes to school... and it is positive! We are shocked and so excited. The baby will be due in September.

We attend Logan's school formal, it was so much fun! We spent the night taking pictures of people with polaroid pictures.

It is my 23rd birthday and we planned a trip to Grinnell, Iowa... the place where we first met. It was a disaster. We ended up driving to Des Moines and spending the night there. I was sooo miserable with morning sickness. Logan bought an airfryer at Costco and the smell of it made me vomit for months.

Working on some dentures!

February -
We make our first trip to St. Louis via Cape Air to see our baby! A sweet little bean with a great heart beat. We are thrilled!!

We buy fondue pots and have a fun Valentines Fondue party! I have been craving nacho cheese... so we make many trips to Taco Bell.

March - June
There are many other blog posts about this with more detail, but I ended up having a missed miscarriage and needed a D&C. A very traumatic and hard time in our lives. A few days after the surgery we went to Utah for spring break, a trip we had planned for months. We spent some time in Brian Head and the world started shutting down being of da rona.
We ended up staying in Utah a little longer than we had planned because Logan didn't have a start back date. We found a house we were interested in and checked it out on our layover back to Kirksville. We went home and signed a lease... to get out of there ASAP! Packing was a good distraction for me.
And just like that, our second year was abruptly ended without any idea when or if it would resume!

I've documented the remaining months in other blog posts and you can find those here: