Cover me in sunshine
summer vacation ‘22 in FL

What's better than having your parents live in Florida and having access to a 1 hour 20-minute direct flight there? Nothing. :)
We have been counting down to this trip for quite some time. Logan has 4 weeks off before he starts residency and this trip was at the top of our list.
Tuesday, May 31, we took off on the 9:40 am flight out of STL and into ECP. Benny slept most of the flight and it was smooth sailing! We were picked up from the airport and stopped by Back Beach BBQ to grab some lunch items. Taylor, Baylie + Winnie were also in Florida, and we were so glad we could overlap a few days with them! My mom rented a darling house for us all to stay in right on Camp Creek Lake.

We had a great time introducing the babies to each other and catching up. The boys wanted to take some of the kayaks through the lake that connected with the beach. We tried ... but the kayaks were made for one and it was clearly not going to work very well. Baylie + I chatted on the dock until the babies woke up from their naps.

For dinner, we walked down the road to the Hub. This was a super fun place with many dining and shopping options. Towards the end of dinner, Benny fell asleep..I sat in the wagon, and they pulled me all the way home! Back at the house, we played a game I bought called Normon Memes. It's like cards against humanity/apples to apples for the exmo crowd. Seriously hilarious!!

The next morning we hung out and planned to inflate the boat my parents bought and make a trip to the beach. It was a beautiful ride to a private beach with awesome chairs and umbrellas. We enjoyed playing in the water and sent Logan with the boat back to the house to bring the rest of the crew.

We ate a late lunch at Florida Fish House... it was sooo yummy and such a beautiful place! Back at the house everyone napped and relaxed until we had some late night pizza Damon made... it was so good!

The next morning we went and got breakfast at the Donut Hole. It was delicious.. and involved some chocolate kisses. :) We all headed back to Wild Heron for a few hours to relax before Taylor + Baylie headed back to AZ.

Benson LOVES all of the new toys Grandma bought! We play cookies, and bake some bread. :) Benson also loves the golf cart! We take spins around the neighborhood and head over to the pool. For dinner we ordered some of my favorite hungry howies pizza!

Friday my mom and I got massages while the boys hung out. It was wonderful! We played on the golf cart more, swam, and at the end of the day we were commenting how sad benson was... turned out he may have slept through a few meals... so he was a little Hangry! Nothing some left over pizza couldn't fix!

Saturday morning we took my mom's boat out! She got some new gear and wanted Logan to help her try it out. Looks like some fun rowing days ahead. :)

Off to lunch we went to Simply Seefood it was soo good! Benson was loving playing with Logan's crawfish. We made a few shopping stops on our way home, and Benny modeled in this little chair. Once we were home we played with a bubble machine we got at Target, success!

Sunday morning, we ate some of Damon's yummy sourdough bread, played with Grandma's puppets, and took a trip to Rosemary Beach! Most nights, we take off in the golf cart and explore homes being built, we took Damon through a few on our way back from dinner. I just LOVE it here!

My mom made us her signature sugar waffles for breakfast... YUM! I never figured out how to french braid my hair, so I make my mom do it any time I am with her. It's my favorite! We grabbed some lunch at What a Burger and went to the beach. So peaceful and beautiful!

Straight from the beach, we went to the pool for our last night together. This kid LOVES the water.

Just like that, our Florida summer break is over! We had the best time and we can't wait to call this place home in just a few years! :)