Benny Turns Two
two perfect years of benson

How is it even possible that two years have gone by since Benny was born? This last year has gone so fast and has been so incredible.
We started our celebration with gifting him his new trike stroller. He loves it! The next day we went bowling. He lasted 35/60 minutes and enjoyed it!

7 am sharp we started with presents! He loves unwrapping things. A new swimsuit and crocodile from grammy! A grill set + cupcake set from us! He was in heaven.

Aunt Lizzie sent a camping set and we have been enjoying that all weekend!

Logan came home and ate some Chick Fil A with us for lunch! Lizzie facetimed with full a cat party!

Once Logan got home for the day we took his new bike to the park! He refuses to ride in any sort or stroller or wagon... so this has been a huge win!

We went to MOD Pizza for dinner. He picked off all of Logan's olives and loved it!

Next we went to Sunset Hills Park! We fed the ducks and played.

It was officially cake and ice cream time! Benny and I made a chocolate sheet cake. I bought this wild candle and it did not disappoint! I will have to figure out how to load a video... :)

Mama mitzi helped me with the video...:)

We love you Benny! I am so lucky to be your mom and spend 24/7 with you.
Things I hope I never forget:
1) How you love everything clean! Spills must be wiped up immediately, trash thrown away. :)
2) How caring you are. Always willing to give hugs and snuggles. Sharing your drink, snacks, toys.
3) How you sing "I Should Probably Go to Bed" by Dan + Shay. Especially the "I know I know I know I know" part :)
4) How much you love being outside, despite freezing temps! And sometimes demand the hose on!
5) How helpful you are. Especially putting things away.
6) How you love contact naps... some days we just spend your entire nap snuggling!
7) How you insist everyone have clothes on. Especially pants!
8) How you want to dramatically fall, jump, slide, off everything! Feels like you are a stunt man most days!
9) How you love physical touch and nursing. I never ever would have guessed we would still be breastfeeding... but it works for us. :)
10) How happy you are. You are full of smiles, funny faces, and radiate sunshine. I laugh every single day!