Benny Cat turns One!
one perfect year

What a year. I seriously feel like we just were in the hospital, blinked, and Benny is one! Being a mom is something I have always wanted, and I feel so lucky to have spent this last year living it to the fullest.

Benson is our only baby, so when I say I don't miss a moment, I really mean it. It could be my enneagram 6 and 2 taking over, so it may seem a little extreme at times. ;)
Breastfeeding was a huge struggle the first 4 months of his life... It was killing me, my mom and Logan were ever so supportive and after 6 months we finally got into a groove. It's something I am so thankful I didn't give up on. The moments we share together are so special, and the comfort I can provide is priceless. I will be very sad when our journey ends.
He's literally slept in my arms or next to me every single night of his life. I've spent many nights sleeping in a recliner, propped up in bed, whatever it took. We've moved a queen bed into our room next to our king bed to provide extra space at times, we've taken down our bedframe and placed our mattress on the floor, I know this won't last long so I am taking everything I can get.

I love you Benny cat. I love your ability to captivate people, your constant need to be moving and exploring, your love for the outdoors + your endless snuggles. I love every single thing about you. I hope to give you the best life. I hope to be able to adjust to what you need, listen to you, and respond how you need. I hope I can always be your friend, a safe person, and someone you can rely on. You have healed me, and I can't ever thank you enough for that.
Our birthday week celebration kicked off with Grandma flying into town! We picked her up and went to Peel for lunch. Delicious! Benny is a fan.
I am a sucker for pictures - I LOVE being able to capture every moment in life. I couldn't believe it was already time for our one-year pictures. We decided on a surfer dude them, and she knocked it out of the park! WOW. I love Dana and the amazing job she does every single time.

I mean come on. Have you seen anything cuter? Yeah, me neither.
We spent the week in Houston for the Lifestyles Unlimited Expo and had the best time! Grandma bought the cutest doggy puppet that Ben loves at the hotel lobby store. We flew very early on his birthday at 5:50 am, he slept the entire way!

We ordered some Cheesecake Factory to be delivered and got some cakes to eat later on. We were all exhausted so a long nap took up most of our day. For dinner we ordered some pizza, set up some decorations and had our own little party. It was perfect!

We love you so much Benny! I can't believe how fast you are growing.