August 2023
the busiest + hottest month!

The first few weeks of August were spent in Florida! Recap here:

The first full day home was so nice! The weather was incredible and Benny was so happy to he back at his park! We made some dinner and got ready for a full week back!

You already know our first stop Monday was creation station!

Our second stop was the park with Firefighter Ben! The weather is SO incredible.

Tuesday morning, August 15th was our 8th wedding anniversary. Wild! Ben and I went and picked up some treats from Russell's for our dessert tonight.

Logan brought home some Culver's for lunch. Benny + I spent the rest of the day playing!

We ordered some Olive and Oak Pizza and enjoyed our desserts! Love you Log!

Today we started gymnastics! I feel so old that I have a baby old enough to be doing something like this. We signed up with Sabrina + Brielle, it goes all school year and I can't wait to see what progress Benny makes!

We spent the rest of the day playing at home!

The weather has been so good! Enjoying the park and then we grabbed some chick fil a breakfast. Yum! Side note... doesn't this guy look dead?! I was concerned for a good 10 minutes before he finally moved.

Maddy is making a quilted jacket. I've really had to try and learn how to crosshatch successfully and I think I finally did it. I was so nervous!

Benson and I decided to meet Logan for lunch. We went to Canes and had some extra time so we spun through Ikea! While we were there we recieved an invitation to come back to Alabama to meet with an office we really like. It felt so exciting and rewarding. I'm so proud of you Log!

After we dropped Logan off and went to the airport to pick up Sabrina + Brielle. We dropped them off at home and came home to play with Benson's new art easel!

Car ride crazies!

I love you Banana Ben! So many expressions.

Finny went to the groomers and so we went to pick him up together!

Benson is a literal monkey!

Happy Birthday Finny! 6 years old.

Benson's outfits ... such a fun age!

We are in a heat dome... record heat and humidity this week and let me tell you. If outerdarkness has humidity like this ... I might have to reconsider. Haha just kidding.

Off to creation station before its 123°! Culver's after :)

Logan's new sleeper :) He told me he understands why I take sleeping pills.

Gymnastics again! Ah I love you Benny!

Costco after!

Benson found his snow jacket and wanted to wear it outside. In this wild heat!

We met Sabrina + Brielle at a new indoor play place. It was so strange and dirty! We didn't last long and ended up at the aquarium!

Big into contact napping :)

Logan had OT and was gone all evening. By the time we were all home Benson was so excited to gave Dr. Carter home!!!

It's our last day of the heat dome and I am SO over it. We tried to escape to the park early enough today to not melt... but it was already so miserable!!!

Trying on old Benny baby clothes in the basement... haha!

I was so ready for a change so I chopped all of my hair off. Ah!!! So much better.

What we do best, 1 am - 5 am parties!

Logan threw his back out so Benny and I went to Target to get some Icy Hot patches. While we were there we got this cute Target shopping cart and a cash register. We have had so much fun with it!

Logan's comfort food is KFC. He may have been slightly high when he placed the order... we have a lot of chicken and sides!

This has been such a hit! Especially the microphone part.

Poor Logan, he's totally thrown his back out and is literally uneven.

Tuesday, Logan decided to stay home one more day and try and relax as much as possible. Benson and I met Sabrina + Brielle at the Botanical Gardens. We had a great time!

Benny needed a long nap after our busy morning!

Getting my hair done by the one and only!

Logan went back to school and left his ID badge home. I knew Logan would be dying on his first day back so we made him a bed in the car and met him for lunch. We drove to Canes and enjoyed a little car picnic!

Benson was begging for pizza, so we went to Costco for dinner. He loves the Christmas decorations there!

I already got his Halloween jammies... and I couldn't wait until October to bust them out. He just looks so cute and they have been his favorite! 3T is the largest size in zippers and I am so sad that this phase of life is ending!

The Utes played their first game of the season against Florida and crushed them. We all watched the whole game and Benny played hard with Logan all night. It was a great August!