April 2024
What Mom?

We ended our last day of spring break with a trip to Main Event for some bowling and arcade games.

Baby B came over for the morning while Sabrina was in Utah. We had a great time playing and making cookies!

The weather has been all over the place! Freezing, hot, tornados, ah! It was cold again. We bundled up for a walk.

I buy a few toddler boxes a month and they have been so fun. We had a blast with this doctor kit!

Back to beautiful weather!

Haha! Always so funny.

Ben was SO tired and took a monster nap. He woke up and I moved to the couch, where he fell right back asleep

Recharged and ready to go!

So fresh + so clean! We are finally making some progress with washing and combing his hair.

Played at the new Brentwood park! Trader Joe’s + Target finds.

Solar Eclipse! We were in the 99% path!

Cutie on a walk with baby Pooyah

Spiked up hair!

They are resurfacing our road this week and it has provided a lot of entertainment!

Trip to Tractor Supply for some more corn for the ducks!

Weekends with Dad home are the best!

Sam’s club… more trucks, and boy does that hair need a cut!

A successful, much less traumatic hair Cut!!

We’ve spent our days playing with baby Ellie, and being outside any chance we can!

I dyed some white shorts black, success!

We have watched “All About You” too many times to count. There is a scene where they are rescued from the harbour with a helicopter. We reenact the scene often!

Parks Parks Parks!

Meat prep with Dad!

Ellie came over to play again and we went to the park!

Meat Meat for Papa!

Two best friends!

More fun with Ellie!! Ben loves her!

Park + Purina Farms with baby B!

We have a really big week next week and Logan needed a few new clothes. He looks sooo good!!!!

The first few years during/after leaving Mormonism my days were consumed with learning more about Mormonism. Seems like it would be the opposite but I went through everything. It was so helpful listening to others share their experiences.… and so heavy. It had been months since I listened to a full episode when I started Britt Hartley’s episode. Her experience was very similar to mine. Her final straw to walk away was because of her children. I felt this so deeply. It felt good to reflect on how far I have came, and this little person in my arms who deserves the world, with absolutely no conditional love or Mormon restrictions. I feel so thankful I have been able to give that to him. Ahhh. Okay off my soap box.

Blow ups, trip prep, park outings. I feel best keeping Ben rear facing but it is tricky to know what’s going on with him at times. I got a new camera and it’s been so funny to watch him!

What a busy April!