April 2023
spring is finally here!

Are there really any better ways to start off a Saturday morning besides donuts and a pink car shopping cart??

We leave for our trip tomorrow so we are in full clean and packing mode. I swear even starting a week in advance it still is overwhelming!

Off to Florida we go!

Allegiant only flies Thursdays and Sundays to Sanford so we have a few more days of break to enjoy back at home! Our flowers are blooming!

We had a busy day back in real life. We went and signed our Trust and Will. I'm pretty sure that is the most adulting thing ever. Now I can sleep a little better at night with that all taken care of! Phew!
Benson took a monster nap from 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm... and probably would have kept sleeping if we wouldn't have woke him up!

We have been trying to find a raw milk source... and I think we finally did! We drove about an hour and a half to this cute little shed. I love things like this!

We came home and enjoyed a beautiful day outside! Benny got a new bike in the mail from my dad's family. Look how good our flowers look!

Benny spent the entire night with a fever and no energy. :( We snuggled and rallied the next morning for an Easter egg hunt.

The next day he was feeling a little better, so we spent a lot of time outside! I'm so glad spring is finally here.

I love banana bread! The recipe from King Arthur is sooo good! We took off an an adventure to feed the ducks. He loves it!

Sweet glasses Dude!

I feel like we are going through a big developmental leap or his molars are coming in. I was a little fried by the end of the day. Logan took off with Benny for the evening and it was very helpful!

Not interested in taking pics with me.. lol

Logan's parents came into town to visit. Benson playing with some of the toys they brought.

I did something I have never done. I bought two dresses for an upcoming concert that would have previously been big No Nos.
Navigating this new phase of my life has been tricky. I'm jealous and resentful I didn't get to do this earlier. I'm sometimes having a hard time finding things that fit my postpartum body and still make me feel good. I'm learning to not feel shame about my breasts. I'm learning to embrace me and not be worried about what others may think.

Logan and Benson went back to feed the ducks so I could have a break. I met up with them later to play.

Saturday came and we had a busy day with Logan's parents. We went to breakfast, Wally's, Logan's school and then they brought over dinner later on. While we were at Wally's a huge storm broke out. There was supposed to be storms later on and I commented it seemed like perfect torando weather.
Well... sure enough while we were all hanging out the tornado sirens went off. What an experience!

The actual storm....

Sunday we went to the botanical gardens... in a rain storm! It was freezing. We went to Sauce on the Side for lunch and later had Canes for dinner.

Benny just being as cute as ever!

Pooping in a bucket... Haha!

Benson found a halloween tag and insisted on playing in the basement. They were dressing up and sending me pictures. I was laughing so hard!

Another week... another duck feeding!

I am really trying to grow some grass! Putting in some more soil, seed and straw.

April 18th, 2014 was our first date! I need to recap the date in a blog... I'll do that eventually and then link it here.

9 Years later....

Crazy Finno rolling in the straw!

We met Logan for lunch at Pie Guys. I'm so happy when we get the chance to do this!

Hi, my name is Benson and I'm addicted to cake pops.

Also addicted to feeding ducks, and being ridiculously cute.

The allergies this year have been sooo bad. Everything ... and I mean everything is covered in pollen! This was after going down the slide.

Always having a good time at the park. We are soo lucky to live so close.

When we moved in our dishwasher did have a few rust spots on the racks. Over the past 3 years it has gotten sooooo bad the prongs are literally snapping off. Probably something we should have taken care of a long time ago. We debated contacting our rental company for replacements... but decided to take care of it ourselves and it was the best decision!

Logan opted to skip the AAO conference this year in Chicago and I am so glad he did. We have had such a busy month, we desperately needed some relaxing days.
We tried to go to the Science center... but after google maps took us to the wrong place we opted for the zoo instead. It was a beautiful day! We took a train ride that was a little freaky!

Cutest cheese bucket I know!

I have sewn a quilt for each of my friend Kass' kids. I'm on my last one and I'm really sad about it! This is my first quilt in forever.

Another busy week of Mom + Ben time.

Benson found an old halloween costume of Logan's. The tin man. He begs him to wear it, it is hilarious!

I bought these for Benson his first Christmas and knew one day they would fit. Well, they finally do! Sooo cute.

Benny loves playing teeth teeth with Dad.

Trying to make our own cake pops. This is my second attempt... I think I will stick to buying them instead.

Funny faces :)

Log and Ben take a trip to the park!

25 Pounder!

Our photographer was having an open house for her new studio and Washington was having a Blues + BBQ fest. We drove out and had a wonderful Friday night! We even ended up winning a raffle for a free photo session.

I scheduled myself a hair appointment. Something I haven't done since 2019. I was so anxious! It turned out great!

While I was gone... the boys had quite the adventure! Exploring and walking all over the neighborhood. Even stopped for some lunch and a doggo selfie.

Jumping off the bed!

I saw a deal on Walmart ... and of course bought it. It was a great dream because a few days later it was cancelled due to "Pricing Error."

Benson was up SO early. So we decided to take off an adventure to get donuts and hit the park. I LOVE OUR SUNDAYS TOGETHER! Logan was the real MVP to go down the slides first to dry them off. It was freezing!

More snuggles, park trips, quilting and playing!

Phew! What a busy month. Bring on May! :)