a wonderful april

For Benson's birthday, Logan's parents gave him a pass to the aquarium - so that's where we went today!

The transition of soo many toys and kid things has been a little overwhelming! Thank goodness for Target delivery to help us get our living room back.

We met up with Barb + Dave at Eckert's for an Easter egg hunt!

Aunt Maddy came back into town for some more dental work with Dr. Carter! We picked her up and went to Peel!

Doesn't Benson's hair look like Kate off of Jon + Kate plus 8? LOL
Fun at the dentist... fun at home!

Look how green shits creek is!

It was time for an oil change ... so Maddy tackled that with me!

I am going to a Garth Brooks concert in a few weeks and so I ordered a pair of cowgirl boots. I waited alll day for the delivery - and when I opened the box this is what was inside!

I literally cried these were NOT my boots! They told me they would send me a new pair. Literally the next day, they showed up!

More fun with Maddy!!

Our last day with Maddy! We went to the mall and Nordy Rack and dropped some $$$

We play, play, play... all day long!

Baking, snuggles, finno + practicing walking!

Making pretzels and my Garth dress came!

Cool boy Ben.

Going anywhere by myself with Benson makes me extremely nervous. I'm constantly worried and on high alert. Sometimes I get brave and we venture out. :) Today we went to Target and we had a great time!

Snuggles with dad and the yummiest treat!

I took off for 26 hours to Nashville! Here is more on that:

It was Easter when I arrived home and we had reservations at Bishop's for a brunch buffet! We all had a great time - but as we came home I was getting sick and so nauseous! I'm not sure if I was food poisioned or just totally dead from my trip but it took it out of me the rest of the day.

Oh it's good to be back with this busy boy!

Cute little pony tail Ben. :)

I can't believe graduation is right around the corner! We've loved having Log home whenever he has a free day.

Treats, baths + always playing!

I made a trip to Costco and while I was there I grabbed this water table. It is a hit!

We added a fish pump to circulate the water in the water table. So fun!

This kid loves his puppy + the swings! He has also loved loading and unloading all of our shoes on the front porch.

Breakfast casserole, trip to Ace, outside picnic! I can't believe April is already over and in a few weeks Logan graduates!