16 hours in Kirksville
late night drives + making some memories

Friday afternoon I couldn’t stop thinking about eating at Pear Tree in Macon, MO. It’s about a 2 1/2 hour drive from our house… and 30 more minutes to Kirksville.

When Logan got home from work we talked about going to visit one last time.… but we didn’t make any plans. I thought we could drive there after his hair cut at 10 on Saturday and spend the day, drive home Sunday morning.
10 pm rolls around and it gets brought up again. Logan asked if we had enough hotel points to stay 2 nights. I said yes, and he said let’s go tonight. Tonight?! We wouldn’t get there until nearly 2 am and we have packed nothing! He said we could pack fast and it would be great for Ben to sleep the entire drive. So by 10:30 we had everything packed and were on the road!
This is the complete opposite how I function. I need the house spotless, a plan. It was a rush leaving the house with some dishes in the sink and toys everywhere (sorry mom).
Ben fell asleep about an hour in to the drive and Logan and I spent the next hours having whispered conversations. It felt oddly comforting returning to familiar streets and sights as we pulled into the Hampton Inn parking lot.

As we got off the hotel elevator to level 4 a wave of heat hit us. Strange they didn’t have any AC going. We entered our room, 412 and were also greeted with no AC, the thermometer read 80°. I was a little bugged as it was 3 am.
We went to move the mattress to the floor so I didn’t have to worry about benson rolling off. As we pulled off the mattress there was massive blood stain on the box spring and bed skirt at the head of the bed. There’s also some chunky things plastered to the base of the headboard and wall. Felt VERY suspicious and disgusting. Logan went and got us a new room and thankfully it was cooler and free from a murder scene. :)
We woke up around 8:30 and Ben was ready to go! We went downstairs, grabbed some breakfast + headed to a park!

We drove down the road to the whole reason while we came… Pear Tree!!

Oh my gosh. It did not disappoint at all!!!! I honestly felt emotional at the end of the meal because it was over and we would probably never be back. :(

Our next stop was Koch’s general store. It’s so cute here!!

We came back to the hotel and the boys tried to swim… it was freezing!

After a little rest we shopped at the small (and only) strip mall, drove past our old house, played at a park and packed up!

When did my baby grow up so fast!

We hit the road around 7pm and Benji fell asleep about an hour in. :) I loved more than anything just be ing able to have a solid conversation with Logan. Those are tricky to have these days… especially when our little friend can tell us to stop talking. ;)